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Speakers Bureau Volunteer Application

The Speakers Bureau is closed for the summer returning August 24. We are still accepting new volunteers but we are not doing intake inteviews until September 2024 so you can book your appointment for then or we will be in touch to set it up. 

Your Information
First Name
Last Name
Your title, retired, student, etc
If multiple, list your most primary employer/business in this field
To reach you in the event of last minute changes
Hidden fields

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Career Information

Select any that apply

Select any that apply

Limit to 32000 characters

Limit to 32000 characters

Limit to 32000 characters
Alumni Information

Select any that apply

Check any that apply

Select any that apply

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Volunteer Information

*Note: in-person volunteering will only continue when deemed safe by public health authorities; if you are interested in in-person volunteering when that time comes, please select the relevant locations now.

Limit to 32000 characters

Select any that apply

Separate items with a comma; max length 255 characters

Select any that apply

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Demographic Information
We know representation matters in career exploration. Therefore, we collect demographic information to ensure our Speakers Bureau reflects the community we serve and to effectively match groups with specific volunteers. All of the following questions are optional. Please provide as much or as little information about yourself as you wish.

Limit 255 characters

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Additional Information

Select any that apply

Your career profile would include your name, title, employer name and website,  job description, areas of expertise, most relevant school subjects, career story/advice, post-secondary pathways, languages and, optionally, a photo. This will allow educators to see who they can request to speak to their class, as well as serving as an educational resource for students.

After submitting your application, you will be redirected to Calendly to book a virtual call with our staff. The purpose of this call is to exchange more information about you, the program and its expectations. This link will also be emailed to you. 

This field only accepts the following file formats: .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .qtf. Vertical orientation is recommended. It is a bonus if the photo helps show what you do (e.g. shows you at work, in work uniform, etc.) You can also email a photo later if preferred.