C3 Accredited Employer Application

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For a Contractor or Specialty Contractor, of every tier, who seeks to be fully compliant with C3 principles for its entire craft workforce on all projects 
Organization Details

Contact Details

Specify Your Database Information

Primary Database Contact

Other Database Contact

Applicant agrees to the following checklist of assurances (all must be checked):
 I agree to the following:

Please respond to the following  questions:

(hold down CTRL KEY to select multiple options)

C3 Craft Training Self-Assessment

Training Manager Details

Training and Development Programs
Please review chart below and select your C3 craft training participation level. You will have 30 days to provide relevant supporting documentation. How you self-select will determine what supporting documentation will be needed.

Participation Level

Non-Self Performing General Contractor

By joining C3, you are clearly committed to your craft workforce. As a requirement of achieving a C3 Craft Training Endorsement, you will need to submit a letter explaining your company’s advocacy for craft training for the industry and/or your craft training professionals, as well as those subcontractors that work for you.
Company Contacts
Bid Contact Information for publication in C3 Directory

Address Invoices To

COI Agreement

Payment Information

Mail fee to: Construction Career Collaborative Attention: Accredited Program P.O. Box 920920 Houston, Texas 77292

Note: P
ay by check applications will not be approved until payment is received
Officer Signing

I attest that I am the most senior officer/principal of the Division or Location for which this application applies, and that this information is true. I agree to abide by the conditions set forth in the C3 Accredited Employer Policy and Procedure Manual. I authorize C3 to validate any and all information contained in this application and to conduct due diligence as C3 deems appropriate or necessary in connection with this application. Before my organization sends workers to a C3 Project, or within 30 days of this application's approval by C3, whichever comes first, I agree to enter my organization's workers and their safety credentials into the C3 Training Database. I understand that email addresses provided will be used by C3 to communicate with your organization, as well as to list in the C3 Directory, but your information will never be shared with others without permission. 

NoteApplications will be reviewed by the Executive Director for approval. 
Applicants will be notified in writing of approval. Refer to Policy Manual for Glossary of C3 Terms.  
Please click Sign and Process payment.