Instructions: This
questionnaire asks for your views about your health. This information will help keep track of how
you feel and how well you are able to do your usual activities.
Answer every
question by marking the answer as indicated.
If you are unsure how to answer a question, please give the best answer
you can.
*2. The following questions are about activities you might do during a typical day. Does your health now limit you in these activities? If so, how much?
3. During the past 4 weeks, have you had any of the following problems with your work or other regular daily activities as a result of your physical health?
4. During the past 4 weeks, have you had any of the following problems with your work or other regular daily activities as a result of any emotional problems (such as feeling depressed or anxious)?
These questions are about how you feel and how things have been with you during the past 4 weeks. For each question, please give the one answer that comes closest to the way you have been feeling.
*6. How much of the time during the past 4 weeks:
Now, we'd like to ask you some questions about how your health may have changed.
This survey was
developed at RAND as part of the Medical Outcomes Study.
*Modifications made by Code of Support Foundation.