OP Scholar-Preneur Biz Promo

Promote your business!

Oakland Promise Scholars:
We have so many hard working and amazing OP scholar entrepreneurs who have been killin it this year. We want to showcase all the amazing work you do! 
Do you or your family have a small business/side hustle you'd like to promote? 
Apply today to get your business featured on our @oaklandpromisescholars Instagram page! We want to show your business some love and advertise it to the greater Oakland Promise & Oakland community. APPLY BELOW! 

Contact Information

Business Information

The @oaklandpromisescholars Instagram Team will review your application. We will follow up with you if we have any additional questions.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email advising@oaklandpromise.org or call us at 
(510) 858 - 6054, Press 3.