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KILT Applicant's General Information



Before entering the SUMMER KILT Program at Montecito Sequoia, we feel it is important that you have a clear understanding of the purposes and expectations of the program.  This form has been prepared to review with you some of these responsibilities.  Please read each item carefully before signing, indicating your understanding and acceptance of the program.  Be sure that you have read the description of the KILT Program on our website and that you fully understand the program:

 For questions please email:


1.      Montecito Sequoia is a family camp, and as such, our primary goals are to help build family unity, and help children to grow up to become happy and successful adults. We strive to create an environment where each member of the family can have fun and ensure that the entire family leaves feeling refreshed and valued. As a KILT, it will be your duty to do what you can to make sure that our guests’ needs and safety are your priority.  I have read the KILT Description and realize that I am a camper in a work/learn training program and I accept the program as outlined.

2.      As a participant in this program I will be assigned work responsibilities approximately 6-8 hours daily. These assignments are mandatory, and in addition to my leadership training and my participation in regular camp activities, evening programs, Pow-Wow, Special Events, Meal/Cafeteria Service, Camp cleaning/beautifying projects, KILT meetings/workshops, and the like.  Failure to attend all activities will result in a warning, then revocation of free time and/or extra work, and ultimately greater consequences to be determined by the KILT Director.


3.      Mandatory KILT meetings will be held on a regular basis to develop my leadership and activity skills.  Often there will be preparation for these meetings which may involve outside reading, written assignments, preparation of a KILT notebook and other academic assignments.  Participation in the KILT meetings is required and considered vital to the leadership portion of the KILT Program.

4.     As a KILT I will be strictly conscious of my cleanliness, neatness, and adhere to appropriateness of attire and grooming practices at all times. Additionally, I promise to keep my language and actions appropriate for a family-friendly environment.  Failure to do so will result in a warning, then revocation of free time and/or extra work.


5.      As a KILT, the campers' needs and interests will come before my own – including before my activities, personal time with my friends, and at all times when in public areas such as the Main Lodge, Marmot Lodge, Lake front, trampoline, pool, hot tub, etc.  You will be representing Montecito Sequoia Lodge and are expected to set a good example at all times.  Appropriate language, clothing, and following all Safety protocols, are expected at all times when near or interacting with guests.


6.      As a KILT I will live in a cabin with the KILT Director or a KILT Counselor and be under his/her/their direct supervision. Cabin Call (when KILTs are required to be IN their cabins) is at 10:00pm, and Lights Out is at 11:00pm. Those in violation of these simple rules will be disciplined by the KILT Director, have their free time privileges revoked, and ultimately greater consequences will be applied to the situation as per the KILT Director and Camp Director.


7.      Underage smoking and/or vaping of any kind, drinking of alcoholic beverages, and use of illegal drugs are prohibited by Federal and State Laws, as well as Montecito KILT regulations (Note:  marijuana use in any form by those under the age of 21 is illegal in the State of California, and against Montecito KILT Program rules and Federal law).  Violation of any of these laws/rules will result in immediate expulsion from the KILT Program and/or bar you from the KILT Program and any possible future employment at Montecito.

8.      Requests for special days off to attend weddings, family reunions, special sporting events, etc., need to be arranged in advance with the KILT Director or KILT Administrator before camp begins.  If you will be arriving late to KILTs, or leaving early, you need to inform us via email (  NOTE:  There will be no Prorating of KILT Tuition for any days missed including late arrival, early departure or any days missed during your KILT Session.

9.    I understand that advance arrangements/approval must be made with the KILT Director, and approved by the Camp Director, if a KILT is expecting a visitor that is not attending camp (eg. such as a parent or relative that will visit camp, but not stay at Montecito).  I understand that visitors must abide by all camp rules, the same as our overnight guests. The KILT Director or Camp Management can ask visitors to leave at any time and for any reason.  Any KILT visitor staying overnight at Montecito must be accompanied by an adult, and is subject to approval by the Camp and/or KILT director.


10.    If I am being picked up or dropped off by MS staff at a location in Fresno as part of my transportation, I realize that I may have to wait at that location unattended for up to a few hours.


11.    As a KILT, I agree to abide by the policies and regulations of  Montecito Sequoia Lodge and to cooperate and be respectful in all matters with the Camp Management, the KILT and Program Directors, and Camp Staff.

12.    If a contagious illness/disease is detected at camp while I am a KILT, I promise to follow all safety protocols put in place by our Camp Management, Program Director, and/or KILT Director, to help prevent the illness from spreading to others. 


13.    As a KILT, I am beginning to assume many responsibilities similar to a counselor and will be expected by the staff and the guests to perform to the best of my ability at all times, and to be respectful of all guests, counselors, managers, members of the public, along with all National Forest Service and National Park Service Staff, in a non-discriminatory manner.  I promise to be respectful to everyone at all times.


14.    As a KILT, I will be involved in the regular program when not scheduled for work or training.


15.    I agree that Montecito Sequoia reserves the right to cancel this agreement and send the KILT home at the cost of the family for any of the following reasons:


a.      Hazardous conditions beyond the control of the camp.


b.      Inability to assume responsibilities as outlined in the KILT Trainee Program.


c.       Unwillingness to abide by the camp, National Park Service, or US Forest Service regulations.


d.      Inability to maintain camp safety standards in working with campers.


e.       Not fulfilling expectations of the responsibilities of the KILT Program.


f.       Personal conduct inappropriate for a KILT, in or away from camp.

g.     No bullying or discriminatory behavior will be tolerated, either in person or via technology (online, cell, texts, etc.).



16.    I will plan to be in the program for the entire 3 weeks during the summer, unless I gain prior approval from the KILT administrator (email:  I understand that the 2024 tuition for Session 1 & Session 2 is $2,695.00 plus tax per session, per KILT.   2024 Tuition for Session 3 is $2,395.00 plus tax.  PLEASE NOTE:  KILT tuition cannot be prorated for missed days/activities/meals, etc.  Daily required KILT uniform is included in the rate. Transportation between Fresno Airport or Amtrak to/from Montecito if desired, will be an additional $50 charge each way (paid in advance).  Additional transportation charge will apply if a KILT is transported between Fresno and Montecito outside of their KILT session's official arrival or departure date.


17.    I will pay my trading post account for charges and personal expenses when billed; either at time of departure or later when a bill is provided to parent. Parent and KILT should decide on the maximum amount of spending money before coming to camp.  Parent(s) will be held responsible for any and all expenses charged by their KILT, even if the KILT charges more than the amount agreed between parent and teen.


18.    My parents will be notified by MS staff of any illness or accident when professional medical attention is needed or when I cannot participate in activities for 48 hours or more.


19.    Only parents or an authorized representative will be allowed to pick up KILTs at the end of the session. Last minute authorization may be received by phone or email, and must confirmed by the KILT Director, KILT Admin or Program Director.


20.    I will enter into the KILT program with a positive attitude, and be ready to have fun in our program!  Having fun is important!!

Our signatures below indicate a full understanding and acceptance of the above KILT Agreement. We have read, discussed, accepted, understood and agreed to the above. 



KILTs & Parents need to read the following CAREFULLY before participating in activities

I, the undersigned KILT member, recognize the element of risk and danger in any adventure, sport, activity, or outing associated with the outdoors. I am fully aware of the risks and dangers in swimming in the pool, lake, rivers, and SPA, boating, rock-climbing/sliding, tennis, hiking, fencing, archery, paintball, air riflery, crafts, volleyball, vehicle travel on mountain roadways, and ALL OTHER activities and exposures offered at Montecito Sequoia.

I understand and acknowledge that while Covid may be endemic in 2024, there is still a risk of getting ill from the virus even during the summer months.  While Montecito Sequoia Lodge has always implemented reasonable precautions to help protect our guests, KILTs and staff, given the nature of the Covid's ability to change, no one can completely eliminate the possibility of someone contracting the virus or having the virus manifest itself in a guest, KILT or staff member during your KILT Session/stay.  Therefore, I agree to follow any health precautions deemed necessary by camp management and the KILT Director while staying at Montecito Sequoia Lodge to protect myself and others from Covid or any other infectious disease/illness.

I agree to take full responsibility for any and all accidents which might occur no matter what the cause. Knowing the above dangers, I accept full responsibility for the health and safety of myself. I do hereby release and agree to hold harmless and indemnify Montecito Sequoia from any and all claims, actions, or damages without any limitation whatsoever, whether consisting of personal injury, property damage, or death, that does or may result from my participation in any activities, whether such injuries, discomfort or death is caused by their negligence or not. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Montecito Sequoia from any damages or expenses which I may sustain as a result of any claim brought by me against them as a result of my participation in activities and residency at Montecito Sequoia. It is mutually agreed that if any complaints arise, disputes will be discussed and settled informally or settled by Arbitration under the rules of the State of California. I understand that these accidents are not considered to be work related.

Knowing these risks and dangers, I understand and accept the possible consequences of participating in such activities and living in the outdoors. I agree to complete the Health Form and give Montecito Sequoia written information, prior to my arrival,  of my true health condition.

I further understand MS staff reserves the right to refuse any person, for any reason, the right to participate in a supervised safety activity. I also agree to abide by the rules or instructions given to us either verbally or in writing by the Montecito Sequoia staff in charge. As a KILT, I agree to take full responsibility for practicing safety in all activities during free or unscheduled day or evening times. I will make sure that I will not participate in guided activities unless the qualified counselor-in-charge is present.  This includes knowledge that swimming in the lake must be supervised by one of the waterfront staff who is on shore or in a boat lifeguarding.

I give permission for any photographs and video taken to be used by MS unless I specify in writing that I do not wish to be photographed.

I understand that a list of campers (excluding phone numbers) will be made available to everyone during each camp week.  If I am invited to visit families AFTER camp, I will limit my stay to 2 or 3 days.

I further agree to show proof of health and accident insurance coverage for myself to cover costs of any accidents should they occur. I understand if I do not hold a regular health and accident insurance policy, that travel insurance is available for purchase through any Travel Agent. Give name and policy number of insurance carrier below. If for some reason, insurance does not cover my injuries, I will assume full responsibility for all expenses and costs connected with my injury.

I also understand and accept the restrictions on SMOKING or VAPING of any kind, USE OF ILLEGAL DRUGS (including any and all forms of marijuana, which is illegal in the State of California for those under the age of 21, and illegal to use on Federal Land at any age), AND DRINKING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, as agreed to in advance of my stay at Montecito Sequoia.  Montecito Sequoia reserves the right to inspect all KILTs' personal property if we believe contraband may have been brought in by a KILT or may be in their possession.

I further understand that all personal property is brought at my own risk and that Montecito Sequoia is not responsible for theft or damage to my personal property or belongings. I will not hold Montecito Sequoia responsible for lost or misplaced items.

In summary, I understand as a KILT, participation in the variety of activities, chores, and special KILT events, SAFETY must be practiced at all times. I further agree to cooperate in carrying out instructions made by the staff and management at all times.  Bullying or any form of hazing will result in immediately dismissal of the KILT(s) involved, and parent(s) will need to pick up their teen.  There will be no prorating of KILT tuition for either late arrival or early departure (including when a KILT is asked to leave by the Camp for breaking any rules).

Our signatures below indicate a full understanding and acceptance of the above Acknowledgement of Risk. I have read, discussed, accepted, understood and agreed to the above. 

Dear KILTs, 

Please fill out your remaining portion of your Summer KILT packet below:

KILT Uniform Sizes & Name Tag
Each KILT will receive several Daytime Shirts, 2 Nighttime Shirts, & 1 Sweatshirt as their uniform.  Please provide your desired shirt sizes below:

Dear KILT Parents/Guardians,

KILTS are actively engaged in sports and unorganized play while at Montecito Sequoia.  KILTS and Parents need to be fully aware of the program and understand the risks involved in participating in such a program.  

We (I) understand and acknowledge that COVID-19 is now endemic and can be transmitted during the summer months, in addition to the rest of the year.  While Montecito Sequoia Lodge continues to implement reasonable precautions to help protect our guests, KILTs and staff, no one can completely eliminate the possibility of someone contracting the virus or having the virus manifest itself in a guest, KILT or staff member during your teen's stay with us.  Therefore, we agree to make ourselves aware of the risks associated with COVID-19 and of our teen working/staying at Montecito Sequoia Lodge and participating in the numerous work and educational and fun activities available during their time as a KILT.  We also will speak with our teen before camp to make sure they agree to practice any health precautions if/when set out by camp management or the KILT Director while participating in the KILT Program at Montecito Sequoia Lodge to protect themselves and others, including guests and staff members, from ANY contagious illness.

KILTS are asked to notify the KILT Director, a counselor, or a manager, if they are ill, fatigued or injured.  KILTS agree to cooperate in Health and Safety standards as set forth by Montecito Sequoia.  Any care required outside of our infirmary, for special health services, or prescriptions, will be paid by the KILT or Guardian.  

In case of accident or sickness, Montecito Sequoia has my authorization to secure such medical attention at a hospital or emergency clinic, as is deemed necessary.  

All KILTS must complete and submit our Health History Form & Physician's Report for the current year (2024) no later than May 1st.   We also request that a copy of the teen's Health Insurance card (front and back) be provided so we have it on file in case your teen requires medications and/or off-site health services.

By signing electronically below I confirm that I have read all of the SUMMER KILT PACKET Literature and agree to conform to the regulations of Montecito Sequoia.  I also agree that the camp may use any pictures taken of my child during camp time, and that the camp directors reserve the right to refuse any KILT application, and/or to dismiss a child from camp without refund for misconduct or unsocial behavior.

Dear KILTs Parents/Guardians, 

Please fill out the remaining Parent/Guardian portion of your Teen's Summer KILT packet below:

Emergency Contact Information/Health Insurance Info/Billing Contact:
Please provide 3 emergency contacts, with parent(s)/guardian(s) first, to contact in case of an emergency:
Primary Emergency Contact (Parent/Guardian)

Secondary Emergency Contact:

Alternate Emergency Contact (Optional)

Health/Accident Insurance Information (from Insurance Card) 

Person to be billed:


Credit Card 

If Paying KILT Tuition balance by check:
Please make check(s) payable to:  Montecito Sequoia Lodge  (Please put your KILT's name in memo line)
Mail check(s) to:  Montecito Sequoia KILT Program, P.O. Box 1489, Carmel Valley, CA  93924-1489
Transportation Service
Please let us know if you anticipate your KILT needing our Transportation Service between Fresno (Fresno Airport or Fresno Amtrak Station) & Montecito (additional charge of $50 each way; more if KILT is not arriving or departing on Session arrival or departure date & advance permission from is required). 

Please let us know your intention/preference, and we will provide you with an ONLINE Transportation Service form as we get closer to your teen's KILT Session to provide your KILT's finalized travel arrangements. 

NOTE:  Billing and payment for your KILT's Transportation Service will be due at a later date once your teen's transportation information is confirmed.

Please keep in mind to schedule arrivals to Fresno on Sunday (best between 12-2pm) - the first day of your teen's KILT Session; and departures from Fresno on Saturday (best after 1 pm) - the last day of your teen's KILT Session.