Spotlight Showcase 2021: Alumni

All alumni of Spotlight Education programming are invited to participate in a virtual recording and submission process with colleagues from across the country to be featured in Spotlight Showcase 2021. You'll be singing YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND with an entire choir of Spotlight Alumni!

Here's how to participate:
  1. Fill out the Registration Form below.
  2. Access the materials through our password-protected webpage HERE. This is where to find sheet music, piano tracks, vocal tracks, and instructions for how to self tape and record the number. You'll receive the password to access materials once you've registered.
  3. Record yourself singing YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND (following the guidelines) and submit to the Dropbox.

Final submissions are due by June 4th, 2021 at 11:59 p.m.

We can't wait to see your submissions and feature YOU in Spotlight Showcase 2021: Spotlight Belongs To Us.
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