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University of Illinois (UIUC)
University of Iowa
University of Notre Dame
University of Pennsylvania
University of San Francisco
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
UT Austin
Texas AM
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Yes - I was referred to this service by the TCU Post Office
No - I was referred by someone else or another department at TCU.
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Domestic Cell Number
Insert your domestic cell phone number excluding the country code "+1"
School Email (University Issued)
Required to end with ".edu"
PSU ID Number
Please enter your nine digit PSU ID Number
University ID Number
Please enter your eight digit University of Iowa ID number
Emory Student ID Number
Please enter your seven digits of your Emory Student ID number
UIN (University ID Number)
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Insert your domestic cell phone number excluding the country code "+1"
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Search Engine
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Word of Mouth
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Next Steps
After submitting this form we'll review your responses, create your Ship to School Account information for Delivery. Shipping Labels and Instructions will be emailed to you.
Once we receive your items, our team will finalize your account and send you an invoice for payment before delivery.
If living in on-campus housing,
school officials will escort us into your assigned room to deliver your items before you arrive to campus. Your items will be safely locked in your room awaiting your arrival.
If living in off-campus housing,
you will need to schedule a delivery date before arriving to campus. After your items have been received you will be emailed instructions for scheduling your delivery.
Next Steps
Great News! With our partnership with the TCU Post Office, you'll simply need to get your packages to campus.
Once we receive your items, our team will finalize your account and send you an invoice for payment before delivery.
If living in on-campus housing,
school officials will escort us into your assigned room to deliver your items before you arrive to campus. Your items will be safely locked in your room awaiting your arrival.
If living in off-campus housing,
you will need to schedule a delivery date before arriving to campus. After your items have been received you will be emailed instructions for scheduling your delivery.
Click here to see a map of e
ach shipping zone
Shipping & Delivery
UPS Ships it, Storage Squad Delivers it.
Storage Squad and The UPS Store have partnered together to ensure your items are in your room upon arrival. Here's how it works:
After completing registration, we'll email you a link to your school's Shipping Hub.
At the Shipping Hub, add your Storage Squad Customer ID and Package Details to get your unique Shipping QR Code
From there, just bring your Package and QR Code to any UPS Store...and we'll take care of the rest.
Easy, right?
Will you be living
campus during the fall semester?
On-Campus (School Owned/Operated)
Ship your stuff with UPS!
How Many Boxes Do You Need?
We can ship up to 7 FREE 18" cube boxes to your home address for $30 (shipping cost). We can send as many additional free shipping labels as you would like to simplify your shipping
How Many Shipping Labels Do You Need?
Use our Shipping labels when shipping items from home. Labels will be emailed to you, along with Shipping Instructions. From there, print, tape onto your box and drop your boxes at the nearest UPS Pickup Location!
Tentative Delivery Date
Don't know when you're moving in? No worries, if you live on campus, we'll work with the University to make sure your items will be in your room upon arrival.
Delivery Date (Iowa Off-Campus)
Delivery Date (Emory Off-Campus)
Delivery Date (Penn State Off-Campus)
Delivery Date (Brandeis Off-Campus)
Delivery Date (UIUC Off-Campus)
Delivery Building
Please select...
Botsford Hall
Crosley Hall
Davidson Hall
DeHority Complex
Howick Hall
Kinghorn Hall
Klipple Hall
Park Hall
Scheidler Apartments
Schmidt Hall
Studebaker East Hall
Studebaker West Hall
Alexander Hall
Allen Hall
Baylor Cityside
Brooks Flats
Brooks Residential College
Collins Hall
Dawson Hall
Earle Hall
Heritage House
Kokernot Hall
Martin Hall
Memorial Hall
North Russell Hall
Penland Hall
South Russell Hall
Teal Residential College
Texana House
University House
University Parks
567 South Street Apts
Cable Hall (North Quad)
Castle/Schwartz (South of Usen Castle Near East Quad)
Charles River Apts 110
Charles River Apts 150
Charles River Apts 164
Charles River Apts 178
DeRoy Hall (Massell Quad)
Foster Mods 1-9 (Casty)
Foster Mods 10-18 (Casty)
Foster Mods 19-27 (Tobin)
Foster Mods 28-36 (Morris)
Gordon Hall (North Quad)
Hassenfeld (East Quad)
Pomerantz (East Quad)
Reitman Hall (North Quad)
Renfield Hall (Massell Quad)
Ridgewood A - Jehuda (Near Ziv Quad)
Ridgewood B (Near Ziv Quad)
Ridgewood C (Near Ziv Quad)
Rosenthal East (Near Massell Quad)
Rosenthal North (Near Massell Quad)
Rosenthal South (Near Massell Quad)
Scheffres Hall (North Quad)
Shapiro Hall (Massell Quad)
Skyline Residence Hall
Usen Castle (Near East Quad)
Usen Hall (Massell Quad)
Village A (Near Ziv Quad)
Village B (Near Ziv Quad)
Village C (Near Ziv Quad)
Ziv 127 (Ziv Quad)
Ziv 128 (Ziv Quad)
Ziv 129 (Ziv Quad)
Ziv 130 (Ziv Quad)
Adams Hall
Bourret Hall
Clark House
Dean Hall
Ewen Hall
Franklin Commons
Horne Hall
Houston House
Jones Hall
Mitchell House
Wallace Hall
Woodward Hall
10 Eagle Row
11 Eagle Row (Sorority Village)
12 Eagle Row
13 Eagle Row
14 Eagle Row
15 Eagle Row
17 Eagle Row
18 Eagle Row
20 Eagle Row
22 Eagle Row
6 Eagle Row
8 Eagle Row
Alabama Residence Hall
CASA Emory
Clairmont Residential Center (Building E)
Clairmont Residential Center (Building F)
Clairmont Residential Center (Building G)
Clairmont Residential Center (Building H)
Clairmont Tower
Clifton Tower
Dobbs Hall
Eagle Hall
Evans Hall
Few Hall
Hamilton Holmes Hall
Harris Hall
Hopkins Hall
Raoul Hall
Smith Hall
The Bayit
Thomas Hall
Turman Hall
Undergraduate Residential Center (Building A)
Undergraduate Residential Center (Building B)
Undergraduate Residential Center (Building C)
Undergraduate Residential Center (Building D)
Woodruff Residential Center
Atlantic Park Towers
BPW House
Building 1 - Jupiter
Building 2 - Jupiter
Building 3 - Jupiter
Glades Park Twrs (GPT)
Heritage Park Twrs (HPT)
Indian River Twrs (IRT)
Innovation Village Apts North
Innovation Village Apts South
Parliament Hall
Univ. Village Apts
Wilkes Honor College - Jupiter
Boyd Hall
Ford Hall
Goodnow Hall
Haymaker Hall
Honors House
Jardine Apts
Marlatt Hall
Moore Hall
Putnam Hall
Smurthwaite House.
Van Zile Hall
Wefald Hall
West Hall
Alexander Court (309 E. Beaver Ave)
Atherton (Shortlidge Rd)
Beam (lot near tennis courts)
Beaver (Mifflin Rd)
Beaver Hill (340 E Beaver Ave.)
Beaver Plaza (222 W. Beaver Ave)
Beaver Terrace (456 E. Beaver Ave)
Bigler (Bigler Rd)
Brill (McKean Rd lot)
Brumbaugh (E Park Ave)
Center Courte (141 S. Garner St)
Chace (McKean Rd)
Collegiate Arms (218 S Sparks St)
Cooper (E College Ave Lot)
Cross (McKean Rd)
Cunningham Hall
Curry (Linden and Bigler lot)
Curtin (Curtin Rd)
Dorchester Apts (600 W College)
Earle (E Park Ave)
Eastview Terrace
Ewing (McKean Rd)
Fairmount Hills Apartments (215 W Fairmount)
Garban Hall
Geary (Parking lot side)
Grubb Hall
Haller (McKean Rd)
Hamilton (Pollock Rd lot)
Harris (Linden and Bigler lot)
Hartranft (Mifflin Rd)
Hastings (Old University Dr)
Hetzel Plaza (500 E College Ave)
Hibbs (E College Ave Lot)
Hiester (E Pollock Rd Lot)
Holmes (lot near tennis courts)
Hoyt (E College Ave Lot)
Irvin (Fraser Rd Lot)
Jordan (Fraser Rd Lot)
Leete (lot near tennis courts)
Lenwood Place (S Allen St)
Lyons (McKean Rd)
Martin Hall (Curtin Rd)
McElwain (Mifflin Rd)
McKean (Tennis Ct. side)
McKee (N Burrows St. Lot)
Meridian on College Ave
Mifflin (Mifflin Rd)
Miller (Linden and Bigler lot)
Nelson (Linden and Bigler lot)
Nicholas Towers (301 S. Pugh St)
Nittany Apts 10-30 (600 E Pollock Rd)
Nittany Apts 31-60 (600 E Pollock Rd)
Nittany Hall
Packer (Bigler Rd)
Panofsky (McKean Rd lot)
Park Lane Apartments (219 S Sparks St.)
Parkway Plaza (Building A)
Parkway Plaza (Building B)
Parkway Plaza (Building C)
Pennypacker (Tennis Ct side)
Pinchot (Bigler Rd)
Pollock Commons
Porter (Mckean Rd)
Redifer Commons (E College Ave Lot)
RISE (532 E College Ave)
Ritner (E Pollock Rd Lot)
Robinson Hall (Lot near tennis courts)
Runkle (lot near tennis courts)
Shulze (E Pollock Rd Lot)
Shunk (McKean Rd)
Simmons (Mifflin Rd)
Snyder (Softball side)
Sproul (Parking lot side)
Stephens (E College Ave Lot)
Stone (Parking lot side)
Stuart (Old University Dr)
Tener (E Park Ave)
The Bryn (601 Vairo Blvd)
The Edge (254 E Beaver Ave)
The Heights at State College
The Legacy (478 E Calder Way)
The Lion (245 S Atherton St)
The Lofts (728 Bellaire Ave)
The Nittany Lion Inn
The Park (348 Blue Course)
The Pointe (501 Vairo)
The Retreat (300 Waupelani Drive)
The View (880 Toftrees Ave)
Thompson (Fraser Rd Lot)
Tremont Apartments (201 Vairo)
University Terrace (825 Bellaire Ave)
University Towers (458 E College Ave)
Waring Commons (N Burrows St. Lot)
Warnock Commons (lot near tennis courts)
Watts (N Burrows St. Lot)
Wolf (E Pollock Rd Lot)
Young (McKean Rd lot)
3050 SMU Blvd
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Armstrong Commons
Beta Theta Pi
Beta Upsilon Chi
Boaz Commons
Cockrell-McIntosh Commons
Crum Commons
Kappa Sigma
Kathy Crow Commons
Loyd Commons
Martin Hall (House)
Mary Hay Commons
McElvaney Commons
Moore Hall (House)
Morrison-McGinnis Hall
Perkins Hall (House)
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Gamma Delta
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Nu
Smith Hall (House)
SMU Service House
Thomas House (Daniel House)
Virginia~Snider Hall
Ware Commons
Basil Moreau Hall
Hunt and Le Mans Hall
Jacques Dujarie Hall
Maryhill & Hilltopper Heights Apartments
St. André Apartments
Teresa Hall
Arnold Hall
Britain Hall
Carter Hall
Clark Hall
Colby Hall
Fish Hall
Foster Hall
FSL Women's Hall
GrandMarc Apts.
Hays Hall
Herndon Hall
King Hall
Marion Hall
Maybee Hall
Milton Daniel Hall
Moncrief Hall
PE Clark Hall
Richards Hall
Samuelson Hall
Sandage/McCart Apts.
Sherley Hall
Waits Hall
Walker Hall
Wright Hall
1 Ram Village
2 Ram Village
3 Ram Village
5 Ram Village
Alderman Hall
Alexander Hall
Avery Hall
Aycock Hall
Baity Hill Apartments
Carmichael Hall
Cobb Hall
Connor Hall
Craige Hall
Craige North Hall
Ehringhaus Hall
Everett Hall
Graham Hall
Granville Towers-East
Granville Towers-South
Granville Towers-West
Grimes Hall
Hardin Hall
Hinton James Hall
Horton Hall
Joyner Hall
Kenan Hall
Koury Hall
Lewis Hall
Mangum Hall
Manly Hall
McIver Hall
Morrison Hall
Nelson Hall
Odum Village Apartments
Old East Hall
Old West Hall
Parker Hall
Ruffin Hall
Spencer Hall
Stacy Hall
Taylor Hall
Teague Hall
Whitehead Hall
Winston Hall
Aden Hall
Andrews Hall
Arnett Hall
Athens North Hall
Baker Hall
Bear Creek Apts A
Bear Creek Apts B
Brackett Hall
Buckingham Hall
Cheyenne Arapaho Hall
Cockerell Hall
Crosman Hall
Darley North Hall
Darley South Hall
Farrand Hall
Hallett Hall
Kittredge Central Hall
Kittredge West Hall
Libby Hall
Reed Hall
Sewall Hall
Smith Hall
Stearns East Hall
Stearns West Hall
Willard Hall
Williams Vlg East Hall
Williams Vlg North Hall
Andrews Hall
Barlow Hall
Barnard Hall
Beecher Hall
Bushnell Hall
Crandall Hall
Dubois Hall
Gallaudet Hall
Garvey Hall
Hawk Hall
Hillyer Hall
King Hall
Malcom X Hall
Occum Hall
Olmsted Hall
Park River Apartments
Poe Hall
Quad 1
Quad 2
Quad 3
Quad 4
Quad 5
Quad 6
Quad 7
Reeve Hall
Regents Park Suites
Roth Hall
Smith Hall
Stevens Hall
Stowe Hall
Webster Hall
Whitney Hall
Willard Hall
Allen Hall (1005 W Gregory)
Armory House (1010 S 2nd)
Barton (Ikenberry N at 1205 S 4th)
Bousfield (Ikenberry S at 1214 S 1st)
Bromley (903 S 3rd)
Burnham 310 (310 E Springfield)
Busey-Evans (1111 or 1115 W Nevada)
Capstone (1903 N Lincoln)
Daniels (1010 W Green)
Europa House (802 W Oregon)
FAR (Oglesby)
FAR (Trelease)
Gregory Place East (700 S Gregory St)
Gregory Place West (701 S Gregory St)
Hendrick House (904 W Green)
Hopkins (Ikenberry N at 103 E Gregory)
Illini Manor (401 E Chalmers)
Illini Tower (409 E Chalmers)
ISR (Townsend)
ISR (Wardell)
Lando Place (707 S 6th St.)
LAR (Leonard)
LAR (Shelden)
Lundgren (Ikenberry N at 1201 S 4th)
Newman Hall (604 E Armory)
Nugent (Ikenberry N at 207 E Gregory)
One North (1601 N Lincoln)
One South (1321 N Lincoln)
PAR (Babcock)
PAR (Blaisdell)
PAR (Carr)
PAR (Saunders)
Presby (405 E John St.)
Scott (Ikenberry S at 202 E Peabody)
Sherman (909 S 5th)
Skyline Tower (519 E Green)
Snyder Hall (Ikenberry S at 206 E Peabody)
Taft Van-Doren (Ikenberry S at 1213 S 4th St)
Tower on 3rd (302 E John St)
Wassaja Hall (1202 S. 1st St)
Weston (Ikenberry N at 204 E Peabody)
316 Madison Apartments
808 on 5th
Aspire at West Campus
Burge Hall
Catlett Hall
Currier Hall
Daum Hall
Forest Ridge Apartments
Hawks Ridge
Hillcrest Hall
Latitude at River Landing
Mayflower Hall
Petersen Hall
Rienow Hall
Rise at Riverfront Crossings Apts
Scotsdale Apartments
Slater Hall
Stanley Hall
Sycamore Apartments
Telluride Apartments
The Overlook
The Quarters at Iowa City
Valley Forge Apartments
Whistler Apartments
Badin Hall
Breen-Phillips Hall
Carroll Hall
Cavanaugh Hall
Dillon Hall
Duncan Hall
Farley Hall
Fischer Graduate Residences
Fisher Hall
Howard Hall
Keenan Hall
Keough Hall
Knott Hall
Lewis Hall
Lyons Hall
McGlinn Hall
Morrissey Hall
O'Neill Hall
Pangborn Hall
Pasquerilla East Hall
Pasquerilla West Hall
Ryan Hall
Siegfried Hall
Sorin Hall
St. Edward's Hall
Stanford Hall
Walsh Hall
Welsh Family Hall
Zahm Hall
Du Bois College House (3900 Walnut St.)
Evo (2930 Chestnut St.)
Gregory College House - 1925 (3941 Irving St.)
Gregory College House - Van Pelt (3909 Spruce St.)
Harnwell College House (3820 Locust Walk)
Harrison College House (3910 Irving St.)
Hill College House (3333 Walnut Street)
International House (3701 Chestnut St.)
Kings Court / English (3465 Sansom St.)
Mayer Residence Hall (3817 Spruce St.)
Rodin College House (3901 Locust Walk)
Sansom Place East (3600 Chestnut St.)
Sansom Place West (3650 Chestnut St.)
Stouffer College House (3702 Spruce St.)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Baird)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Baldwin)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Brooks)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Carruth)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Class of '28)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Class of '87)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Craig)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Fitler)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Foerderer)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Franklin)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Hopkinson)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Leidy)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Lippincott)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (McKean)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (N.Y. Alumni)
The Quad - Fisher Hassenfeld (Provost Smith)
The Quad - Riepe (Ashhurst)
The Quad - Riepe (Birthday)
The Quad - Riepe (Bishop White)
The Quad - Riepe (Cleemann)
The Quad - Riepe (Graduate)
The Quad - Riepe (Magee)
The Quad - Riepe (Mask & Wig)
The Quad - Riepe (McIlhenney)
The Quad - Riepe (Provosts' Tower)
The Quad - Riepe (Thomas Penn)
The Quad - Riepe (Ward)
The Quad - Riepe (Warwick)
The Quad - Ware (Bodine)
The Quad - Ware (Butcher)
The Quad - Ware (Chestnut)
The Quad - Ware (Coxe)
The Quad - Ware (E.F. Smith)
The Quad - Ware (McClelland)
The Quad - Ware (Memorial Tower)
The Quad - Ware (Morgan)
The Quad - Ware (Morris)
The Quad - Ware (Rodney)
The Quad - Ware (Speakman)
The Quad - Ware (Wilson)
The Radian (3925 Walnut St.)
Fromm Hall
Fulton House
Gillson Hall
Hayes-Healy Hall
Lone Mountain East
Lone Mountain North
Loyola Village
Pedro Arrupe
Toler Hall
Arey Hall
Benson Hall
Bigelow Hall
Cambridge Apts.
Clem Hall
Fischer Hall
Fox Meadows Apts
Fricker Hall
Goodhue Hall
Knilans Hall
Lee Hall
Ma'iingan Hall
Starin Hall
Tutt Hall
Wellers Hall
Wells East Tower
Wells West Tower
Andrews Hall
Blanton Hall
Brackenridge Hall
Carothers Hall
Creekside Hall
Duren Hall
Jester East Hall
Jester West Hall
Kinsolving Hall
Littlefield Hall
Moore-Hill Hall
Prather Hall
Roberts Hall
San Jacinto Hall
Whitis Court
Wells Hall
Keathley Hall
Mosher Hall
Rudder Hall
Schuhmacher Hal
Fowler Hall
Haas Hall
Hughes Hall
Legett Hall
Dunn Hall
Whiteley Hall
Davis-Gary Hall
Moses Hall
White Creek Apartments
Walton Hall
Appelt Hall
Lechner Hall
Clements Hall
Hart Hall
Aston Hall
Underwood Hall
Mcfadden Hall
Hullabaloo Hall
Harrington Hall
Neeley Hall
Krueger Hall
Eppright Hall
Corps Quad
Room Number
Delivery Street Address Line 1
Street Address Line 2 (Unit/Apt Number)
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New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Zip Code
Shipments must be received by July 31, 2024
Free Delivery dates per school based on classes starting.
On-campus will be delivered prior to arrival.
Terms & Conditions
Reservation Fee Due Today
A $35 reservation fee secures your appointment, access to boxes and Shipping Hub.
The fee will be refunded if you cancel your reservation in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.
Your credit card will be charged within 24 hours of making your reservation and typically shows in banking statements within 2-3 business days.
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions?
Yes, I agree.
S2S Prepayment
S2S PrePayment Status
Payment Details
Name on Credit Card
Preferred Email For Receipt
CC Number
CC Expiration - Month
2 digit month, ex. 02, 09
CC Expiration - Year
ex. 2024
CC Expiration - CVV
Contact Information