Dog Socializer Application

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JLAD requires all primary socializers to be 18 years or older.

In addition to you, who else will participate in socializing the dog?

JLAD requires that the dog be the only dog less than 12 months of age living in the household.

Please describe the other animals in your home.


Other Animals

Your commitment
JLAD requires socializers to provide the necessities which include shelter, food, water, bowls, bed, toys, collar, leash, treats, and veterinary care due lack of supervision (i.e. dog eats a sock and needs surgery).

JLAD requires socializers to teach toilet training and house manners as well as attend weekly training classes and field trips.

As a socializer you will need to provide the dog socialization to several environments, such as grocery stores, pharmacies, medical offices, restaurants, shopping malls, and if possible, your place of employment.

Being a socializer requires a good deal of physical stamina, which includes bending, stooping, lifting, walking distances and repetitive motion.

Being a socializer requires patience, emotional control, the ability to learn new concepts and practices, the ability to receive constructive feedback and the ability to work positively within a team.

Proof of Insurance
If you will be transporting the dog in your private vehicle, JLAD requires that you provide proof of insurance.

Developing a bond and trust early in the dog's life is a very important aspect in the success of our dogs. This human/animal bond is critical to establish early and repeatedly throughout the dog's life. We recognize that bonding is highly emotional and letting the dog transition into another bonding relationship is even more so.

Please provide two personal/professional references who are prepared to speak to your ability to uphold a commitment and work within a team.