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2024 Community Infrastructure Fund

The Community Infrastructure Fund is a fund of €450,000 which offers Community Groups (including Sports Clubs) the opportunity to apply for funding to assist with the costs of either constructing new Community Facilities or for the modernisation and/or expansion of existing premises.

Funding is only available to assist with the cost of the construction/modernisation/ expansion of the Community Facility. The fund is not intended to be used to support the on-going costs of running Community Facilities.

Community Grants are assessed under the below key considerations:
  • Impact on local community and local community involvement.
  • Availability/existence of other groups doing the same work/duplication of activities.
  • Proven track record and ability of the group to deliver the project.
  • Provision of clear and accurate project costings.
  • Projects/works demonstrating good value for money.
  • Existing funds available to the group/funds in hand and availability of other funding sources.
  • Projects/works demonstrating sustainability.

Funding requests of a minimum of €5,000 up to a maximum of €50,000 will be considered.

Please note that applications will not be processed unless all required information is provided. Additional information can be uploaded at the end of this application.           
* denotes fields that are mandatory

Funding Category

1. Group Details

Please note that this a requirement prior to any potential funding being released to your Group following a successful application.
If you do not currently have a valid Tax Registration Number, you can apply using the following link

Please Note: These contact details will be used for all communication regarding this application

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2. Infrastructure Project  Detail

2.5 Provide a detailed description of the Community Facility or Sports Facility for which you are seeking funding assistance, including a breakdown of all activities and services you provide from the facility.

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3. Financial Information
3.2 Please provide a full breakdown of costs.  Note that the items listed below must total the full cost of your project and will be the only items considered.
Provide a detailed cost plan showing the total costs of the proposed works and supply all the appropriate quotes detailing these costs?
Item Cost of item € 
Please Note:
Upload a separate sheet at the end of this application if you do not have room to list a full breakdown of costs.

Please note that the full cost of your project must equal Total amount for which you are applying to SDCC + Amount of funding you are receiving from other sources + Amount of Own Funds Allocated to this project
4. Financial Information - Supporting Documentation

4.4 Quotations Upload

Please upload all appropriate quotes detailing costs outlined above.

Note there is a further facility to upload documents at the end of this application form.

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5. Insurance Details

Written proof of indemnification for South Dublin County Council to the value of 6.5 million must be included on your Insurance Policy.

6. Bank Details

7. Other Details

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8. Relevant Supporting Documentation

If you wish to attach documentation to this grant application, please do so below. 

If you have any more attachments, please email them directly to communitygrants@sdublincoco.ie, stating the name of your organisation in the subject line.
8. Declaration

Declarer is the person authorised by his/her group to submit this application

You will receive a confirmation email when you submit this application.