HEET Projects Interest Form


Welcome to our Hospital Employee Education and Training grant interest form!  

We’re working with local colleges to create programs for working adults like you! These programs offer unique opportunities and support towards your next career thanks to state grant funding.
Complete this form with your contact information and which projects you are interested in! If you'd like to know more about the various Hospital Employee Education and Training (HEET) grant projects visit our website by clicking HERE
NOTE: Certain benefits, like Training Fund Tuition Assistance, may be reserved for workers at Training Fund contributing hospitals. However, our Navigators can guide you to the Training Fund, college, and community benefits and resources you are eligible to access.

Contact Information

HEET Projects: Please note the colleges connected to HEET projects; only select projects connected to locations you could potentially attend:

SEIU 1199NW Training Fund | 15 S. Grady Way, Suite 321 | Renton, WA 98057 | (425) 255-0315 | www.healthcareerfund.org | members@healthcareerfund.org