ifoster logo   iFoster Technology Incident Report
                      for Lost, Stolen, Broken Devices

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If your iFoster phone, laptop or tablet has been lost, stolen or broken please complete this form. iFoster will repair or replace any devices that have been lost, stolen or broken because of iFoster or its partners (i.e. device breaks in shipping). Devices that are lost, stolen or broken while in your ownership will require a review of your Incident Report. Based on this report, iFoster will recommend repair or replacement to its funders. Replacement is NOT automatic. A small fund for device replacement exists and is at the discretion of the funders of iFoster's technology programs. Please be as detailed as possible on your Incident Report so that iFoster can provide the best case for repair or replacement.


Contact Details

Device(s) with Issue

Shipping Address: If you are approved for a replacement device, we need a safe location to ship the replacement. Please provide a safe shipping location. We can ship it to an agency point person, directly to the youth or a supportive adult. For privacy purposes, we can not use a youth's name if shipping to a youth, so we will need a nickname or the name of a caregiver/supportive adult for the shipping label. 

Thank you! We will review your Incident Report and get in touch with you with next steps. If a device is needed, we will need to seek approval from our funders for a replacement.

Questions?? - call, email or text us and one of our team members will be in touch asap: 
Text: 213-459-1128
Email phone@ifoster.org