Student Emergency Fund Appeal Form
Currently enrolled Campus students may request funds for an emergency situation, or for unanticipated and compelling circumstances that jeopardize their ability to successfully continue in school. The Student Emergency Fund is designed to help with non-tuition related expenses. Students can submit a Special Circumstances Appeal to be considered for tuition related funding.

Before submitting this form, please visit the Student Emergency Fund information page for a detailed list for expenses that will and will not be considered.

Submissions are reviewed and decisions issued weekly. Approved Student Emergency Funds will be provided in the form of a one-time grant

Berklee Online students are not eligible for Student Emergency Funding.

Berklee IDs should be 7 digits (including 0's). Conservatory IDs should be 9 digits (including 0's)

Student Emergency Fund Appeal Form
Please provide a brief statement explaining why you are requesting Student Emergency Funds and what other sources you have attempted to utilize. In addition, please list the expense(s), amount(s), and documentation for which you are requesting assistance.

In order to provide the most efficient review, please outline the specific amount of funding you are seeking.

Please do not attach documents containing sensitive information such as tax returns, or anything containing your social security number.