CFSA Photography Opt-Out

I request that no recognizable photographic images of me be taken or used in print and electronic publications, as long as I am associated with the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association (CFSA). 

While CFSA will make every effort to guarantee that my image is not used, such effort will need my cooperation in three ways:

1) It is my responsibility to absent myself or otherwise politely make my wishes known when there are CFSA-sponsored photographers taking photos or recordings in public spaces, including conference venues, farm tour venues, and workshop venues. CFSA will clearly identify sponsored photographers.

2) It is my responsibility to complete and submit the CFSA Photography Opt-Out Form.

3) For added assurance, I can provide CFSA with a current photograph of myself that they can use to compare with photographs scheduled for use in publications.

By completing this opt-out form, I confirm my understanding of the CFSA Photo Policy and the steps outlined above.

Questions: Please contact CFSA's communications manager, Ashley See,