BKCM Financial Aid Application

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Financial Aid at BKCM is mission-driven. We aim to transform lives and build community through music. Providing tuition assistance to our students and clients is one way to achieve that mission. 

Please note the following:
  • BKCM offers tuition assistance to those students and clients with significant financial barriers.  However, full tuition coverage is not available. 
  • BKCM receives some awards that are intended for BIPOC children.  If you believe that your child would qualify based on how they identify, please share that information in the appropriate fields in this form.
  • Income verification is a required part of the application process. 
  • Aid is awarded based on the availability of funds, financial need and programmatic needs.
  • Financial need is determined by income, family size and extenuating circumstances.
  • Only completed applications will be processed. 
  • This application is only for applying for financial aid.  It does not confirm receipt of financial aid nor enroll you in classes. 
  • Questions? Please contact Kris Mandapat, Financial Aid Coordinator: kris.mandapat@bkcm.org
Thank you for your interest in BKCM!

Your Information:

Student Information:

Student 2 Information

Student 3 Information

Your musical interests and experience

Income Verification:  

Monthly Expenses- Please estimate your household's monthly expenses for each category.

For example:
$2,500 for rent/mortgage
$1,500 for childcare 
$1,200 credit card payment
$500 for food
$250 for utilities
$275 for mobile phones
$150 for transportation

Program Info: 

Community Music School Lessons, Classes and Ensembles                                                        

Student 2 Musical Interests and Experience

Student 3 Musical Interests and Experience

BKCM Summer Camps 

Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Suzuki Program

Prospective families planning to enroll in Suzuki for the upcoming year must attend one of three FREE orientations held in January, February, and March. Please contact registration to sign up at 718-622-3300.

Prospective families should also complete the Suzuki Program Interest Form:


Student 1 Musical Interests and Experience

Student 2 Info

Student 3 Info

Not sure which program is the best fit?
Call our registration desk at 718.622.3300 to speak to one of our registrars about BKCM's offerings. 

Feedback and Agreement:

 Thank you for completing BKCM's Financial Aid application and for your interest in BKCM's programming. 
You can expect an emailed response within 1 week of submission.