Business Results and Share Your Story

We want to hear about your Lemonade Day experience! You may have done Lemonade Day in a NEW WAY this year and we want to know about it. We understand that everyone's experience might have looked a little different, so please complete as many of the questions as possible that apply to your 2022 Lemonade Day experience.
Tell us about your Lemonade Day

In person stand
If you did Lemonade Day in the traditional way and had an in person stand experience. Tell us more about your stand below

Example: 101 Main Street or "in front of our local store"

Example: The Perfect Lemonade 

Let's Crunch the Numbers!
Whether you sold a product at a traditional, in person stand or virtually please answer the questions below.

Lemonade Sales + Other Revenue + Tips = Total Revenue

$(Total Revenue - Total Expenses) = Profit
What about your goals?
Whether you sold a product at a traditional, in person stand or virtually please answer the questions below.

Share Your Story 
You may have done Lemonade Day in lots of different ways this year! Use the prompts that best fits your experience and tell us all about it in the box below.

Be sure to include the following:
  • Why did you do Lemonade Day?
  • Tell us about your business
    • In Person Business - Tell us about your...Location, Recipe, Theme, Slogan, Advertising
    • Virtual Business - Tell us about your...Website/Platform(s) used, Product, Recipe, Theme, Slogan, Advertising
    • Other - How did you do Lemonade Day? Tell us the details of your business!
  • What did you do well and what would you do differently next time?
  • What kind of obstacles did you have to overcome and how did you do so?
  • Now that you're an entrepreneur, what's next for you?

Tell Us About Yourself

Contest Information

Read more about the Bike Sweepstakes and the Youth Entrepreneur of the Year Contest by visiting To view the sweepstakes rules visit To view the contest rules visit
The following information and approval must be provided by a parent or guardian.