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Make a Connection

Make your message go even further by sharing a photo of your family!

Show legislators the faces of those impacted by outdated parentage laws to help them connect with the issue and how important it is for families like yours.

Note: We respect your family's privacy. We will only use the photo to print and send with the letter to your legislators.

Letter to Your Lawmaker
Dear [Your Legislator],

As your constituent, I am writing to ask that you please support S.1133/H.1714, the Massachusetts Parentage Act (MPA).

The MPA will comprehensively update parentage laws in the Commonwealth, ensuring that all children have equal access to the security of a legal parent-child relationship, regardless of the circumstances of the child’s birth or the marital status, gender, or sexual orientation of their parents. A child’s parental relationship is the foundation of their healthy development and well-being over a lifetime, and Massachusetts law must respect and protect all children.

Massachusetts is the only New England state which has not updated its parentage laws, and this leaves our children vulnerable to many harms. The MPA will ensure that the Commonwealth’s parentage laws remain constitutional, reflect best practices, and protect all children in the Commonwealth. Thank you so much for your consideration.

[Your First and Last Name]