Event Request Form

use format 00:00 and 24hr clock e.g. 09:00 if 9am

use format 00:00 and 24hr clock e.g. 14:00 if 2pm

It may be necessary to limit time on site and allocate time slots depending on how many requests for events on a location we have on any given day. Times will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

If yes, please provide details including a simple layout plan showing proposed positioning

If yes, please  describe the purpose of the filming (for example private, public use or media?), and the subject of your film (e.g. documentary, social media livestream, etc)

If yes, please provide us with your press release and confirmed press attendees and outlets

We encourage visitors and those organising events at CWGC cemeteries and memorials to use wreaths and flower arrangements made from biodegradable materials, that we can subsequently compost. This will help us reduce the quantity of plastic waste sent to landfill.

For details of how we look after your data securely please refer to our Data Protection & Privacy Policy. We never sell or exchange personal data with third parties