Important Note

When you progress through to each page of this Report, please scroll up to the top of your browser if you are seeing a blank screen when you continue to each next page.

Date & Location

Please double check that you've inputted the correct date.

Which Hillsong Africa location your Venue is closest to / affiliated with

Which Hillsong Africa location your Venue is closest to / affiliated with

Program Detail:

Please select all the "week/session" numbers you covered of the Course.

If no graduates, then input 0.

Only write the number of new jobs reported in this session. This answer must be a number.

Take the total number of team active and remove admin volunteers / trainers. This answer must be a number.

This answer must be a number.

This answer must be a number.


Attendance is measured per program session, so please only put attendance numbers here that are specifically for the session you are reporting on.

Please ensure that you capture attendance by age & gender (eg. # of boy participants age 0-11 years old). You will need to input a "0" (zero) in each category where there were no participants.

Please enter how many team members volunteered this session.
Age Breakdown of Volunteers

Write 0 if none.

Geographical Breakdown of Volunteers
Write 0 if there are none.

If the program is run Online, you can input all the Volunteers as "Local"

"International" meaning a volunteer who does not permanently live in the country where the program ran, but is visiting/volunteering with HAF on a short-term basis.

"Regional" meaning a volunteer lives in the country, but does not live in the area where the program takes place.

"Local" meaning a volunteer who lives in close proximity to where the program takes place.

Tell Us More!

Stories of a 'Life Moved Forward'

We love collecting stories! If you don't have a story to contribute this time around, you can leave this page blank and submit your Report at the bottom.

This must be a number.