Strengthening Early Learning Transition Conversations

PAVE Parent Training and information (PTI)  program is partnering with WA State Early learning partners to listen to families about their experiences moving from early intervention and early learning or childcare programs in to the school systems. 

Dear Families,

We would like to hear about your child’s experience moving into preschool or kindergarten.

We know that young children do better when they enter preschool or kindergarten feeling welcomed and excited. Families, schools, and early learning programs must work together to provide the best pathway for every child.

You can help to strengthen these transitions in Washington by sharing your story with us. We are asking families to think about the following three questions and talk about them with us in a listening session or interview.

1.      What are your hopes and dreams for your child as they enter preschool or kindergarten?

2.      What are your fears and challenges?

3.      What does success look like for your child?

Because we value your time and expertise, we would like to offer you a $25 gift card for your participation.


We hope you will feel inspired to share your thoughts and stories with us!


Warm Regards,

Mari Taylor

Transition Specialist | ECEAP

Please note: Participation in this discussion is voluntary and will not affect any benefits you, your family, or your community may receive. Our discussion should last about 90 minutes and your individual responses will remain confidential. The results of this conversation, combined with similar data from across the state will help inform how to strengthen kindergarten transitions throughout Washington, particularly for children and families furthest from opportunity. This study will culminate in a final report, which will be published in 2022. Please direct questions to Mari Taylor

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