QLD transition form

Salary packaging transition form

The Queensland Government’s Salary Packaging Arrangement for Salary Packaging Administration Services QGP0065-21 allows eligible employees the option to change (transition) from RemServ to Smartsalary. 

You will only be eligible to transition to Smartsalary during the transition period if you have no outstanding FBT liabilities and no outstanding bus travel misuse repayments. The Transition Authority Form must be completed and received by Smartsalary by 5:00pm on the last day of the transition period. Any requests to transition outside the transition period will not be processed. Additional transition periods will be available throughout the year for employees. 

Even though Smartsalary will communicate with your previous salary packaging provider to make the necessary arrangements for your transition, it is still recommended that you contact RemServ to:
  • Advise of your decision to transition;
  • Provide any instructions regarding the ceasing of salary packaging payments and reconciliation of your account; and
  • Provide instructions as to any excess fund balances remaining in your account.
Any amendments required to your salary packaging agreement once your transition application has been submitted, will not be actioned until you have fully transitioned. It is also recommended you inform your financial adviser (if applicable) of your intention to transition to Smartsalary.

Please visit our website at qld.smartsalary.com.au for further information and Frequently Asked Questions.

Date of Birth:

Home Address:
Privacy Notice
Smartsalary is collecting your personal information on this form for the purpose of transitioning your salary packaging agreements. 
Smartsalary will pass your personal information on to your Agency’s payroll section as part of the administration of your salary packaging agreements, the Queensland Government Procurement (QGP) in relation to the management of the Salary Packaging Arrangement and Queensland Treasury for auditing purposes. Your personal information will not be used for any other purpose or disclosed to any other third party, without your consent, unless authorised or required by law.

To view our Privacy Policy, please visit qld.smartsalary.com.au/privacy-policy
Salary packaging is only available to eligible employees of the Queensland Government as per the Standing Offer Arrangement QGP0065-21. The implications of salary packaging for you (including tax savings and impacts on benefits, surcharges, levies and/or other entitlements) will depend on your individual circumstances. The information in this publication has been prepared by Smartsalary Pty Ltd for general information purposes only, without taking into consideration any individual circumstances. Smartsalary Pty Ltd and the Queensland Government recommend that before acting on any information or entering into a salary packaging arrangement and/or a participation agreement with your employer, you should consider your objectives, financial situation and needs, and, take the appropriate legal, financial or other professional advice based upon your own particular circumstances. You should also read the Salary Packaging Participation Agreement and the relevant Queensland Government Salary Packaging Information Booklets and Fact Forms available via the Queensland Government Contracts Directory. The Queensland Government strongly recommends that you obtain independent financial advice prior to entering into, or changing the terms of, a salary packaging arrangement.
* denotes mandatory fields. 

© Smartsalary Pty Ltd.