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Does your child have a diagnosis of Autism?
Are you currently employed?
If you work away from the home full time, will the service dog be able to come with you, or who will watch the dog during the time you are away? (please note, they do not have access rights without your child with you, nor can the dog attend school alone with your child).
Does your child like large breed dogs?
Are you able to afford the costs of caring for a service dog to include food, equipment, supplies and veterinary care for the lifetime of the dog, an average of $50-$200/month?
List all pets in household (include species, breed & age)
Are you able to leave your family and travel for 10 days in order to participate in a classroom/ group setting for Team Training?
GDA|TLC uses only positive reinforcement training methods. A service dog’s training must be maintained by their recipient. If selected, are you willing to use only positive reinforcement training methods and actively participate in the dog’s ongoing training, annual assessments and health checks for the working life of the dog?
Is your child receiving ABA therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, or some other type of therapy or support services related to your child’s diagnosis of autism?
List all household members. (Include age & relation)
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