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Puppy Raiser Application Form

We appreciate your interest in raising a puppy to be a future Guide Dog or Service Dog. Please review our requirements before filling out the application. At this time our puppy raising program is limited to Southern California.

The first step to becoming a puppy raiser is to submit the online application.  You will be notified via email when your application has been received.  Prospective applicants must also attend a puppy raiser meeting, orientation session, and schedule a home check visit with a GDA or TLC representative.  Once you have completed each of the steps, and your application has been approved, you will be put on the list for a puppy.  The typical wait-time for a puppy is 3-6 weeks, but sometimes happen much sooner!
Applicant Information

Contact Information

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Caretaker and Household Questionnaire

FIRST & LAST NAME (Relationship)

Please list name, breed, age, and other relevant info.

How old is the intended primary caretaker/trainer for the puppy?
Under 18 19-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66+

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Puppy Raiser Responsibilities Questionnaire
Please Note
The decision to puppy raise cannot be taken lightly. We rely on our puppy raisers’ ability to fully commit to the program. If you aren’t sure if this is the right opportunity, please call us to discuss. (818) 833-6447.

These expenses are tax-deductible.