2024 American Whitewater Gauley Fest Volunteer Registration 


Anything : Our most needed position! Gauley Fest is a very dynamic event, being flexible to volunteer wherever needed is a huge help!

Saturday Evening: There's a ton going on Saturday evening, and that's when we need the most help! Extra perks are available for evening time slots. 

Set Up : Help us get the event site ready for an amazing Gauley Fest!

Clean Up : Help us leave the site in the same condition that it was in before we arrived.

Gate Registration : Welcome our fellow paddlers to Gauley Fest and take money for this great event.

Parking : Help us to direct folks to the parking areas so that we can welcome all. This is the best time slot for groups that want to volunteer together.

AW Membership Drive : Encourage festival-goers to sign up and support AW to help get involved with river conservation issues across the nation. Excellent communication and organization skills required.

AW Store : Sell festival t-shirts and other American Whitewater memorabilia.