Appalachian Trail 2,000-Miler Application
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) recognizes a hiker who reports completion of the entire Appalachian Trail (A.T.) as a "2,000-miler" — a title based upon the original estimated length of the Trail.

ATC policy is to operate on an honor system, assuming that, if you apply for 2,000-miler status, you have made an honest effort to walk the entire Trail either as a thru-hiker or in sections. In the event of an emergency, such as a flood, a forest fire, or an impending storm, blue-blazed trails or officially required roadwalks are viable substitutes for the white-blazed route. When no safe walking alternative is available, shuttle by vehicle may be substituted.

While sequence, direction, length of time, or whether you carried a pack are not considered, the ATC holds high expectations of 2,000-milers that include treating the natural environment, A.T. communities, other hikers, and our agency partners — whose land the A.T. passes through — with kindness, respect, and cooperation. Respect for these standards by all applicants is essential to the continuation of ATC's practice of recognizing end-to-end hikers in any fashion.

If you meet these standards, please complete the form below.
Honor Statement and Certificate

Recommended format: First Name "Trail Name" Last Name

GDPR and your data
The ATC will use contact information to send you a 2,000-miler certificate, if earned. If you have subscribed to any ATC-managed lists, the information you provide here may update your contact records.

For more in-depth information about your data, how to request access, deletion, or revision, please visit
Tell us a little about yourself

Please provide the address where you would like your 2,000-miler certificate and rocker to be mailed.

GDPR and your data
Your anonymized demographic information will be analyzed to understand who is hiking long-distance on the A.T. Anonymized information about your experience will help ATC gain an understanding of long-distance hiking trends.

For more in-depth information about your data, how to request access, deletion, or revision, please visit
Tell us about your background (OPTIONAL)

Tell us a little about your itinerary (check all that apply)

Note: In accordance with ATC's guidance on long-distance hikes during the COVID-19 pandemic, miles hiked after 3/31/2020 and before 5/11/2021 will not be counted toward 2,000-miler recognition. Click here to learn more.

GDPR and your data
Your anonymized information will be analyzed to understand who is hiking long-distance on the A.T. Anonymized information about your experience will help ATC gain an understanding of long-distance hiking trends. 

For more in-depth information about your data, how to request access, deletion, or revision, please visit
Hikes Delayed by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Due to the unique risks of spreading or contracting COVID-19 while thru-hiking during the pandemic, the ATC asked all thru-hikers on Trail (or in progress) to leave the A.T. by March 31, 2020. This guidance remained in place until May 11, 2021. For more information about our guidance during the pandemic, click here.

For the hikers who complied with our guidance, the ATC will count the miles hiked in 2019 and 2020 prior to 3/31/2020 toward the completion of a thru-hike attempted after 5/11/ 2021. Those hikers will have an additional 12 months to complete the remaining miles of their hike.

Appalachian Trail Conservancy and Club Membership (check all that apply)

We rely on the generosity of donors like you to help us fulfill our mission and vision of protecting the Appalachian Trail. Give back to the Trail today at

Want to join your local A.T. maintaining club? Find yours and join today at

Start typing in the name and then click to select option. Note: Acronyms will not work.
Tell us a little bit about your health while on the Trail (check all that apply):

GDPR and your data
If you select any of the options in the next section, you are instructing ATC to share your information with others.

For more in-depth information about your data, how to request access, deletion, or revision, please visit
Let us know if you are willing to share your experience with others (check all that apply):

GDPR and your data
Your anonymized information will be analyzed to understand who is hiking long-distance on the A.T. Anonymized information about your experience will help ATC gain an understanding of long-distance hiking trends.

For more in-depth information about your data, how to request access, deletion, or revision, please visit
Help us understand more about your experience (check all that apply)

GDPR and your data
ATC staff in Information Services (see Our Team) will store and analyze the data collected in this form along with thousands of other submissions in order to gain an understanding of long-distance hiking trends. If you consented to ATC sending you information or sharing your information, we will do so only as instructed by your selections in this form or other forms managed by ATC.

For more in-depth information about your data, how to request access, deletion, or revision, please visit
With assistance from volunteers, the ATC sends certificates of completion and 2,000-miler rockers to eligible applicants within 12 weeks of receipt. We appreciate your patience!

Questions? Comments? Technical difficulties? Contact us at