Please complete this section with general information about yourself (as your organization's Point Person) and your organization/company. Some of this information in this section may be used on the Alliance website and/or shared with other Alliance Global Hub members.

Point Person Information (Your Info)


Organization / Company Information

Headquarters Location

Please state your organization/company's mission or vision.


The Alliance envisions a just and equitable world where the production, trade, and consumption of seafood mitigates environmental impacts while providing food and sustaining livelihoods for seafood workers and communities.

In order to advance that vision, the Alliance has set an ambitious ten-year goal that states by 2030, at least 75% of global seafood production is environmentally responsible or making verifiable improvement, and safeguards are in place to ensure social responsibility.

To read more about the Alliance’s 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, please click here.



Please read and complete the following questions about Alliance communications with Global Hub members.


All Global Hub organizations must designate one individual to serve as the “Point Person” to the Alliance staff and community. This person will be responsible for ensuring that Alliance information and important business is communicated to, and understood by, the member organization. The Point Person must be able and empowered to:  

  • Ensure all current and future employees planning to engage with the Alliance in any way (including participation in the Global Hub, a Working Group, or the Alliance's new online communications platform, Mobilize) review and understand the Alliance Operating Protocols (next section).
  • Submit comprehensive organizational feedback on products in development, when requested by Alliance groups.
  • Approve logo use when signing on to Alliance products.
  • Facilitate any financial transactions related to the organization’s engagement with the Alliance (i.e. pay Annual Meeting registration fees).
  • Provide timely submission of organizational information, when requested by the Alliance staff.

Point Person Contact Info


The Alliance publishes the logos of our Global Hub members on our website ( By uploading your logo file below, you are providing consent to publish it on our site.


The Alliance Operating Protocols and linked references provide detailed information about the Alliance’s protocol for community engagement, decision-making and external communications.

You can view the Operating Protocols here.
  • All members of the Global Hub (including all employees at your organization that plan to engage in any way with the Alliance) must agree to abide by the Alliance Operating Protocols and will be asked to do so on an individual basis when joining the Alliance Global Hub on Mobilize.
  • The Alliance staff will conduct an annual engagement analysis of the Global Hub to ensure all members are upholding their responsibilities and engagement expectations as stated in the Alliance Operating Protocols.
  • If a member of the Global Hub violates the Alliance Operating Protocols, the member organization or individual may undergo a formal review process conducted by the Alliance Board and Executive Director, possibly resulting in that organization or individual’s removal from a Network, Working Group, or the Global Hub community.