Funding application form

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This application form is for Award Centres and Project Delivery Partners of The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award - Australia who are seeking financial assistance for individuals or groups of young people - who are marginalised, disadvantaged and/or living with a disability - to do their Award.

Funding sought can be applied to costs such as Award registration, activity expenses (including Adventurous Journey costs) and staff support/administration.
1. Online Record Book (ORB) and Organisation details

Please enter the full Award Centre name as it appears in the Online Record Book.

Award Leaders can see this 4-5 digit number in the Overview section, under Organisation Details.

Use this website to find your ABN ( Please DO NOT select "Department of Education".
2. Postal Address

i.e. Number, street and suburb

3. Postal Address v Physical Address

i.e. Number, street and suburb

Award Centre contacts

4. Award Leader details

5. Authorised Signatory

Note: the Authorised Signatory is the person that can sign on behalf of the applying organisation (e.g. Principal). This person's name will appear on the Terms and Conditions document.

Application details

6. Describe needs and benefits

e.g. family experiencing financial hardship, low SES area in a remote community, etc.

7. Other programs

e.g. high needs or special needs programs

Please provide a summary only.

Application Participants

The following application options are available:
  • Applying for only one (1) Participant
  • Applying for a group of Participants, where all Participants have already been selected
  • Applying for a group of Participants, where you are seeking for pre-approval of the funds first
8. Participants

If you are looking to receive funding approval before commencing this project, please select the 'pre-approval' option.
Please note:
  • Each Participant must meet at least two (2) disadvantaged criteria
  • All Participants must be registered online through the Online Record Book.
  • The Participant names in your application will be checked in the ORB prior to the release of any funds, should this application be successful.

For your Individual application, please enter only one (1) Participant below (i.e. do not select 'Add another response').

For this Group application, you have the option of:

  • Entering the Participants' details into this form one at a time, or
  • For 10 or more Participants, you can upload the full list of Participants using our Participant Upload Template (available here).

Please complete the table below for each Participant in your funding application request. Select 'Add another response' each time to add multiple Participants to the funding application.

8.2 Participant details

A 'new registration' is someone who is registering to do Duke of Ed for the first time.

Numerals only. Exclude the prefix "PN000".

e.g. School Card/Centrelink/Other
Criteria section A

If neither, leave blank. If both, check both boxes.

Criteria section B
Regarding the options below, please note that 'CALD or ethnic minority' may encompass people:
  • of non-English speaking background
  • born outside of Australia
  • whose first language is not English
  • with certain religious affiliations
See ABS Standards for Statistics on Cultural and Language Diversity for more details.

Please ensure each Participant meets at least two (2) disadvantaged criteria to progress this application.

Pre-approval application

Download a copy of our Participant Upload Template (available here) to complete and send to at a later date.

Please note:
  • All Participants will need to be registered online through the Online Record Book.
  • The Participants' registrations will be checked in the ORB prior to the release of any funds, should this application be successful.
Please complete the questions below for your funding application.
Target Participants

Please note:

Participants aged 18 and over must have a disability in order to be successful for funding.

Please note:

Participants aged 13 must be in Year 9 in order to be successful for funding.

Bronze Silver Gold
Participants at each Level

e.g. School Card/Centrelink/Other
8.5 Criteria section A

8.6 Criteria section B
Regarding the options below, please note that 'CALD or ethnic minority' may encompass people:
  • of non-English speaking background
  • born outside of Australia
  • whose first language is not English
  • with certain religious affiliations
See ABS Standards for Statistics on Cultural and Language Diversity for more details.

Funding breakdown

Please note:

  • Sections 10 and 11 can be used to fund Transport.
  • Section 11 refers to non-Adventurous Journey activities.
  • Section 13 refers to Intensive Support for special needs Participants.

  • Please complete each of the selected sections below, by itemising your funding requirements.
  • Please read the funding guidelines provided in each section.
  • All costs are to include GST (i.e. GST inclusive).
9. Registration Support (basic)

Please note:

Registration support cannot exceed the RRP for registrations set by the relevant Division.
To remove any calculation "error," please complete the above fields.

10. Adventurous Journey (basic)

Please note:

  • Adventurous Journey funding can be used to hire equipment - it should not be used for the purchase of equipment, unless hire options are not available.
  • Adventurous Journey funding cannot be used for overseas travel. Interstate travel may be considered if local options are not available. Local options are the strong preference.
To remove any calculation "error," please complete the above fields.

The following options for the delivery of Adventurous Journeys are available:
  • In-house provision (the Award Centre runs the Journeys by itself)
  • A combination of in-house and external provider engagement (the Award Centre might use Outdoor Education experts to help deliver the Journey)
  • Using an external provider in full (the Award Centre engages an external organisation to deliver the Adventurous Journey with little-to-no involvement by the Award Leaders)

11. Other Activity Support / non-Adventurous Journey (resource)

Please note:

'Other Activity Support' refers to funding used for activities undertaken as part of the regular sections of the Award:
  • Voluntary Service
  • Skills
  • Physical Recreation
  • Gold Residential Project (where applicable
To remove any calculation "error," please complete the above fields.

12. Staff or Carer Support (resource)

Please note:

  • Staff Support costs can be claimed for relief staff where and when staff are allocated to accompany Participants for their Adventurous Journey or Gold Residential Project sections.
  • Staff Support costs can also be claimed for relief staff where or when staff are required to attend any Award Training run by a Division/AOA.
  • Carer Support costs can be claimed for carers where Participants have high or additional support needs (e.g. social, physical, behavioural, and mental challenges).
To remove any calculation "error," please complete the above fields.

13. Intensive Support (intensive)

Please note:

  • Intensive Support costs can be claimed where the Participants are high risk or living with profound disability.
To remove any calculation "error," please complete the above fields.

Final page

14. In-kind support

15. Key Project Timeline

Outline your proposed key activity timetable below.

16. Checklist

Please ensure you have read all the information on our Funding Assistance webpage before submitting this application.

Please note: the supporting statement need only be brief.

17. Statement of agreement
  • I hereby state that all the information provided on this application is true and accurate.
  • I understand that if successful, the funding provided applies for the Award Level for which it was approved and I agree to inform the NAO of any changes to these circumstances immediately.
  • On behalf of our school/university/organisation and the Participant(s), I offer a declaration of commitment to the Award and its requirements.
  • In submitting this application, I confirm that I or the authorising signatory has the authority/delegation to make this submission and ensure the requirements are met.