Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland -- Retired Attorney Registration

The Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland (PBRC) very much appreciates your willingness to help those in need.  Please complete this form to receive suggestions from PBRC regarding pro bono opportunities that match your preferences and areas of interest.

Tell us about yourself! Please type full names and addresses as you'd like communications to be addressed.

Home Address

Work Address (if any)

Phone Contact (s) (XXX-XXX-XXXX)

Tell me about yourself...

Please enter all states where you are licensed to practice (including Maryland) and the year and bar number.  Attorneys not barred in MD must become specially authorized to practice pro bono in MD (contact Annie Speedie at for more information).

Please list areas in which you have experience. (Add as many as you like.)

Please enter all spoken languages, your fluency level, and whether you are willing to volunteer to interpret or translate. (Add as many as you like.)