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Welcome to the Community Tech - Makers & Maintainers Application Form

Use this form to apply for Community Tech - Makers & Maintainers Programme

Through this fund we are looking to support England-based community businesses who are making and using technologies that generate benefit for and give power to communities.

Please make sure you read the full guidance and eligibility criteria before applying. More details on the fund can be found HERE.

You don’t have to finish the application in one go: You can save your work and close the application, and then return to it later. To save, close and continue later, please click on the check box 'Save my progress and resume later' at the top right hand of the form at any time. 

Submitting your application: When you are sure that you have finished and ready to submit your application, check that you have answered all the questions by clicking 'Review Submission' in the last page. Once you are sure you are ready to submit, click the 'Confirm' button. Your application will then be sent to us, and we’ll start reviewing it. Once you have submitted your application form you will not be able to change it.

Deadline for applications: The deadline for submitting your application is 12:00, 4th November 2022. We will let you know the outcome of your application by 12th December 2022. All decisions are final.

Got questions? Need help? If you have queries about applying to Community Tech Makers & Maintainers Programme you can contact our team on communitytech@powertochange.org.uk (Monday- Friday) providing your contact details and we will respond to your request in due course.

Click next page to begin the eligibility check 

Eligibility Check

This does not mean your organisation has to be a charity. We will consider applications from a variety of organisational legal structures. You can find out more information about charitable purpose in this link - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/charitable-purposes/charitable-purposes

Any private or personal benefit must be incidental and a by-product of meeting your organisation’s public benefit.

The organisation operates in England and the purpose of the support is to benefit people in England.

The organisation is a legal entity in its own right with a separate identity from those who own or run it. For example, your organisation might be incorporated as one of the following: a company with Companies House, a society with the Financial Conduct Authority, or a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with the Charity Commission.

Sole traders who run their own business as an individual and are self-employed are not eligible to apply.

The organisation was started by local people and benefits the community around it.

The local community have a genuine say in how the organisation is run.

The organisation sells services and products in and around their local area. Trading makes up a significant portion of the organisation's income every year.

The organisation engages with a variety of different groups in their community and address different community needs. It may have a specific focus on a disadvantaged group, or support the local community more widely.

Application Contact Information

Your Organisation Details

Organisation name should be written as registered with Companies House, the Charities Commission or other registration or regulatory bodies such as Financial Conduct Authority.

Other names that your organisation is known by

Registered Address
Please provide the registered address for your organisation. This is the address which you have provided to your regulatory / registration body.  

The postcode must be in uppercase and the correct format, for example, M2 1BB, CB2 1QA or BS32 0BQ.

Regions of England or other nations of United Kingdom. If working predominantly beyond a single region, go for “National” or “International” as applicable.

Provide the year that the organisation was first established. If the organisation lay dormant for a period, provide year that it most recently became active again.

Provide year of incorporation of the organisation separately if this is different from the year it was established.

We will fund a broad range of organisational types. This information helps us understand whether there may be private benefit from your activities.

Only use if no options above apply.
Please provide all applicable registration numbers.
We will use this registration number to search external information sources to verify information about your organisation and its finances, such as the Companies House website, the Charity Commission website and the Financial Conduct Authority website.

Please enter “N/A” if not applicable.

Please enter “N/A” if not applicable.

Please enter “N/A” if not applicable.

Provide a brief introduction to your organisation and where it works geographically. You have 1000 characters, which is approximately 150 words

Your activities may span more than one sector type. Select the main sector type which best describes your organisation’s activity.

Our mission is to strengthen community businesses to tackle society’s greatest challenges at a local level and we are committed to supporting the sector in realising its full potential in the shift to a fairer, greener economy. Power to Change recognises that community businesses already play a major role including through improving local green spaces, generating renewable energy and promoting community commitment to climate action. This information helps us understand what climate and nature related action your organisation is taking.

We can only provide funding for activities which have a charitable purpose. This does not mean that your organisation has to be a charity, as we will fund a variety of legal structures, but we cannot fund activities which don’t further a charitable purpose. Choose the option that best describes your social or charitable purpose. These are based on the Charity Commission’s categories. If you are a registered charity, please pick the option that reflects your charitable purpose as listed in your Charity Commission registration.
Provide up to three postcodes of the places where your organisation benefits local people to help us understand where you work. We understand that the area you work in may be larger than 3 postcodes.

The postcode must be in uppercase and the correct format, for example, M2 1BB, CB2 1QA or BS32 0BQ

Community Business Criteria

A community business is accountable to its local community. It can demonstrate that the local community is involved in planning and supporting the community business, over and above using services. Examples of this are an open membership structure or evidence of how local people get involved to shape projects and influence how the organisation runs – perhaps by contributing to working groups or the board. Describe how your organisation is accountable to the local community. Hint: Use bullet points to give examples of how you involve the local community in decisions about how the organisation operates, perhaps through local board members, volunteers and staff. Your social media reach may highlight how your relationships with the local community have influenced decision making. You have 1500 characters, which is approximately 250 words

A community business is locally rooted. It is based or working in a locally defined area or place within the community. It build links within a defined geographical area (e.g. a ward or constituency in a local authority). Tell us a little bit about your community, how your organisation started and how it serves this community’s needs. Hint: You can use bullet points to highlight how you work in the local geographical area. You have 1500 characters, which is approximately 250 words

A community business has broad community impact across the local community through different services and activities, or by ensuring that it includes groups which may be excluded from participation, in the absence of dedicated effort. Describe how your organisation benefits and supports a broad range of members of the local community. Hint: How do you know if your community business is having an impact? Your organisation’s impact might be captured in an annual report, an evaluation or an annual survey with people who use your services. Summarise findings from some of these sources. You have 1500 characters, which is approximately 250 words

A community business generates income through trading, often benefiting the community through its trading activity. Additionally, profits are reinvested to benefit the community. Examples of this are sales through an onsite cafe, hiring rooms, selling services or products. Describe how your organisation generates income through trading, from goods or services, or a combination of both. Estimate what proportion of your organisation’s total income is generated through trading. If you generate a surplus or profit, explain what it is used form. You have 1500 characters, which is approximately 250 words

Diversity, equity and inclusion

We want to support underrepresented communities. The wider tech sector broadly fails to engage a cross section that is representative of society, the community tech sector must not emulate this. We want to reach out to and support groups that are typically underrepresented in the wider tech sector, and therefore are particularly interested in projects led by communities experiencing ethnic or racial inequity, discrimination or inequality, disabled people, LGBTQ+ people, and people who are seeking asylum or who are refugees. We want to see our funding accurately and effectively reflect all groups using community tech.

We are asking you to report on the levels of lived experience present on your board and senior leadership team because we wish to improve Power to Change’s understanding of the diversity and inclusion of the community business sector, so we can better design our support. 

By lived experience we mean an individual has direct personal experience of a particular characteristic i.e. is disabled or has been for a substantial portion of their lives, or has very close experience by association with another person. For example, a long-term carer for a disabled family member would have lived experience of disability through close association and support for that disabled individual.

We also invite organisations to indicate themselves as led by a board and senior leadership team with lived experience of a particular characteristic based on who is making their key strategic decisions, even if they don’t meet the “over 51%” requirement. By ‘making key decisions’ we mean that decisions on core strategic and financial matters are taken by a group of decision-makers with this lived experience, not that consultation is undertaken to inform decisions that are subsequently taken by a group that does not have this lived experience. These definitions are informed by research conducted by the Arts Council. 

Which of the following best describes your board and senior leadership team? Please select all that apply. 
We are led by a board and senior leadership team including people with this characteristic (over 51% representation) Some of our board and senior leadership team includes people with this characteristic (below 51% but above 0%) None of our board and senior leadership team has this characteristic (0%)

Which of the following best describes the groups your work supports and benefits? 
Please select all that apply.
This group has high representation in our work This group is moderately represented in our work This group is not well represented in our work This group is not well represented in our work but we have specific services aimed at supporting them or we are taking other active inclusive steps

Meeting Funding Criteria 

Programme assessment criteria – 

  • Your community technology is accountable to your local place-based community
  • Your community technology builds the resilience and autonomy of your community organisation
  • Your community technology builds the resilience and power of your place-based community
  • Your community technology creates value and generates benefits for your place-based community
  • Your whole organisation grows and learns together in creating your own technology

We don’t expect you to fulfil all these criteria, but would like to see evidence of meeting at least three, including the first one. Please answer question 1 which is mandatory and then answer at least two (from question 2-5) before going on to the last question about your team.

Hint – three is the minimum, if more criteria are applicable to your situation you are welcome to answer more.

This is a required question - by this, we mean what are the ways that it is contributing to the community and how they are able to shape and influence its development. So, if it is creating value, does the community have access to that? Max 1500 characters / 250 words

This is an optional question - by this, we mean what are the ways that value is being created from the community tech, who gets to benefit from that? Value might be financial but it could also be the value of better information, or access to new knowledge or deeper relationships. Max 1500 characters / 250 words

This is an optional question - by this, we mean how your tech is empowering your community, providing cohesion, amplifying voices, helping them to be in a stronger position to influence and assert power locally. Max 1500 characters / 250 words

This is an optional question - by this, we mean what are the ways that it is contributing to the community and how they are able to shape and influence its development. So if it is creating value, how does your community have access/influence it? Max 1500 characters / 250 words

This is a optional question - we believe that community tech is best shaped and developed by the many, not the few. There will be more resilience in your community business if the community tech is everyone’s responsibility, so we are keen to hear how you are growing the capacity across your organisation and/or the wider community. Max 1500 characters / 250 words

The fund is aimed at supporting the team around community tech so we are keen to learn more about who is involved and how you work.

This is a required question, Please tell us about your team, how you work together and how you stay strategic and relevant as an organisation Max 1500 characters / 250 words

Grant Request
The Makers & Maintainers Fund is flexible funding – each successful grantee will receive £40,000 to cover eligible costs over 24-month period. This flexible approach will give grantees greater autonomy to respond and adapt to changing circumstances.

In the following question we would like to hear your thoughts on how the funds could be used. This is just an outline that we know might change. 

You have 3000 characters, which is approximately 500 words

Due Diligence

We take safeguarding extremely seriously and expect any organisation working with children, young people and adults at risk to have appropriate policies and procedures in place to ensure their safeguarding.

Only answer if the organisation works with children, young people and adults at risk.

If the organisation works with children, young people, and adults at risk and you have a Safeguarding Policy, please attach it here.

We expect all organisations that we fund to maintain a minimum level of good governance practice, including having a Policy covering equality, diversity and inclusion in place. We may check this as part of the grant approval process. If you do not have this policy in place, we will get in touch with you, as we may be able to help you put missing policies in place as a condition of the grant.

We expect all organisations that we fund to maintain a minimum level of good governance practice, including having a Health & Safety Policy in place if five or more people are employed by the organisation. We may check this as part of the grant approval process. If you do not have this policy in place, we will get in touch with you, as we may be able to help you put missing policies in place as a condition of the grant.

We expect all organisations that we fund to maintain a minimum level of good governance practice, including having a Privacy Policy covering GDPR in place. We may check this as part of the grant approval process. If you do not have this policy in place, we will get in touch with you, as we may be able to help you put missing policies in place as a condition of the grant.

We expect all organisations that we fund to maintain a minimum level of good governance practice, including having a Policy covering fraud, anti-money laundering and anti-bribery in place. We may check this as part of the grant approval process. If you do not have this policy in place, we will get in touch with you, as we may be able to help you put missing policies in place as a condition of the grant.

We expect all organisations that we fund to maintain a minimum level of good governance practice, including having a Conflict of Interest Policy in place. We may check this as part of the grant approval process. If you do not have this policy in place, we will get in touch with you, as we may be able to help you put missing policies in place as a condition of the grant.

These will help us to better understand the financial circumstances of your organisation.

These will help us to better understand the financial circumstances of your organisation.

Power to Change is a Living Wage Funder. You do not need to pay the real Living Wage to be eligible for our funding. All posts that we fund however must be at least at the Real Living Wage. Find out more about the real Living Wage here. We strive to be an understanding funder, so if this is going to be a problem for you, get in touch.

State Aid or Subsidy

Power to Change grants qualify within the definition of Subsidy, and we must abide by the UK Subsidy Control Rules. We have determined that grant awards under this Fund are likely to be exempted from the Subsidy Control where the subsidies received by a grantee in the last three financial years (including the Grant under this Fund) do not exceed the relevant permitted small amount of subsidies that you can receive over the same period, as set out in the Subsidy Control Rules (currently £315,000). The questions below will help us to identify the Subsidy position of your application. You are required to provide details below of any subsidy (or previously, EU State Aid) support received previously. In the event that all or any part of the Grant is deemed by a Court or other agency of competent jurisdiction not to comply with the Subsidy Control Rules, we may recover all or that part of the Grant from you. If you are concerned about Subsidy, you must seek independent legal advice.
Provide details of State Aid and state subsidy the organisation has received in the current and last two fiscal years. If your organisation has received more than one source, please add another source for each below.

i.e. 12/2021

i.e. 03/2022

Marketing preferences

Would you like to receive regular updates about Power to Change funding and support opportunities, as well as community business sector events, training, webinars and research?

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. There will be a link to do this in any such email we send to you. We will never share your information with third parties for marketing purposes.

Terms and Conditions

By submitting information via this form you agree to the following:

If you are saving your work to return to it later by selecting ‘Save my progress and resume later’, but not submitting it for consideration, Power to Change will hold the information for you so that you can return to it later. Power to Change may use the point of contact information to contact you to find out if we can help you with your application. Power to Change will not use the information in any other way. Power to Change will delete draft applications that have not been submitted within 10 working days of the deadline for submitting applications.

If you submit this form by clicking ‘Confirm’ on the next page, you certify that the information in this form is true and correct, that I have the authority to act on behalf of this organisation and that this proposal has been approved by the Trustees/Directors or members of my management committee. I understand that Power to Change does not and will not tolerate any form of fraud, corruption or bribery. Upon detection of fraud or any related criminal activity Power to Change works with the relevant authorities to pursue prosecution. In addition Power to Change will seek civil recovery of any funds that have not been used for the stated purposes as well as reasonable costs in seeking recovery. Power to Change will use the information you have provided on this form to make a decision about the suitability for a grant and administer successful grants, including contributing to research and evaluating the processes and impacts of the programme.

The information provided will be held on secure systems which are fully GDPR compliant. All decisions regarding grant applications are made by a panel. Successful grant application information is retained for a period of 7 years from when the grant is closed, whilst unsuccessful applications are held for a period of 12 months before being securely destroyed.

We take the security and privacy of the information you provide seriously and individuals have a number of rights under data protection legislation, if you wish to find out more about how we process your information, please find out privacy policy here: https://www.powertochange.org.uk/our-privacy-policy.

Power to Change is the Data Controller in respect of the information submitted in this form. Confidential information you provide, such as commercially sensitive data, will not be made public in any way, except as required by law. We may use non-sensitive data about awarded grants, including statistical data about applications, to promote the programme.

Instructions for Submit

Submitting this application form requires a final review on the next page. You can also save a copy of your application response by clicking on the 'print this page' option on the next page and then saving it as a electronic pdf copy. 

After clicking 'Review Submission' please review your submission on the next page and click 'Confirm'. If changes need to be made click 'Make a correction'.

Please note, if you do not click 'Confirm' on the next page your application will not be submitted.

You will be redirected to a 'Thank you' page. If you experience any lapse in internet connection on form submission, please refresh the page.