Winter 2022 Engaged Opportunity Grant

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Cornell faculty and staff are always thinking of ways to create, enhance or sustain community-engaged learning opportunities for undergraduates, but they might not have the funds to support their ideas. Engaged Opportunity Grants are designed to help by supporting large and small projects from across the university. 

For more information, see the Engaged Opportunity Grant (right click to open in new tab) page.

To preview the entire form, select the primary purpose of your application. Remaining fields will be exposed upon selection.

Contact with questions. 



*Note: Engaged College Initiative Eligibility

The College of Architecture, Art and Planning, College of Human Ecology and Cornell SC Johnson College of Business are participating in our Engaged College Initiative, so individuals from these colleges aren’t eligible to apply directly for this grant. They can, however, be part of a project team with members from other colleges. And they should contact the representative in their college to learn about current and upcoming opportunities to support their community-engaged work.

*Note: Engaged College Initiative
The College of Architecture, Art and Planning, College of Human Ecology and Cornell SC Johnson College of Business are participating in our Engaged College Initiative, so individuals from these colleges aren’t eligible to apply directly for this grant. They can, however, be part of a project team with members from other colleges. And they should contact the representative in their college to learn about current and upcoming opportunities to support their community-engaged work.


For Cornell Faculty/staff team members. For students type "Student".

Provide list of all known community partner(s). It is strongly recommended to provide a letter of collaboration from the community
partner(s) describing the role that the partner(s) expects to play in the collaboration.



Short narrative that describes the overarching goals of the community-engaged activity, what you plan to do, how you plan to do it and potential next steps and/or outcomes.

As is relevant to the request, include:

  • Description of the project, inclusive of community identified and/or project need
  • Clearly identified community partner(s), their role and the benefit of the work to the partner(s)
  • Role of the student(s) and anticipated student learning outcomes (right click to open in new tab)
  • Assessment plan
  • Opportunities to sustain project beyond the grant period

e.g. 20
Prerequisites - Note any prerequisite(s) for student participation that might apply



not to exceed $3,000

e.g. 20