Supporting Families Together Association (SFTA) has a contract with the State of Wisconsin to provide limited free
assistance to help you obtain your child care license. The contract provides for a technical consultant to review a draft of
the policy you develop, telephone and email support, and a visit to your site. Useful self-help information is available on
our website:
Supporting Families Together Association. Should you want more support, additional services are available for
purchase through SFTA. You have 9 months from the date SFTA receives your worksheet to complete the pre-licensing
start-up process, including policy review and site visit sign-off at your proposed location. Please provide the following
information to help your consultant assist you more efficiently.
Note: This worksheet is not the license application. Rather, it is your first step on the road to licensure.
If you have any questions, please call 1 (888) 713-KIDS(5437) or visit