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Thank you for your interest in starting a child care business. Supporting Families Together Association is no longer processing start-up worksheets, please click here to find your appropriate agency.
Thank you for your interest in starting a child care business. Supporting Families Together Association is no longer processing start-up worksheets, please click here to find your appropriate agency.

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Supporting Families Together Association (SFTA) has a contract with the State of Wisconsin to provide limited free assistance to help you obtain your child care license. The contract provides for a technical consultant to review a draft of the policy you develop, telephone and email support, and a visit to your site. Useful self-help information is available on our website: Supporting Families Together Association. Should you want more support, additional services are available for purchase through SFTA. You have 9 months from the date SFTA receives your worksheet to complete the pre-licensing start-up process, including policy review and site visit sign-off at your proposed location. Please provide the following information to help your consultant assist you more efficiently.

Note: This worksheet is not the license application. Rather, it is your first step on the road to licensure.

If you have any questions, please call 1 (888) 713-KIDS(5437) or visit 

Contact Information


Due to the time it can take to find a suitable location we require an address to start processing your worksheet. Please reach out to your local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency for more information.

Mailing Address

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For survey purposes only

A requirement of our contract with the State is submitting an analysis of the clients we serve. You are invited to voluntarily identify yourself by gender and racial ethnic group, and to indicate if you have a disability. SFTA assures the confidentiality of this information, except for purposes of satisfying the contract compliance requirements. No client will be subject to adverse treatment for providing or refusing to provide the information.