Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota - Driver Application

General Information


Employment History 1

Employment History 2

Employment History 3

Employment History 4

Professional Reference 1

Professional Reference 2

Professional Reference 3

Volunteer, Community, Charitable, and/or other nonpaid experience 1

Volunteer, Community, Charitable, and/or other nonpaid experience 2

I certify that all information provided by me in this application is true and accurate. I understand false or misleading statements made by me or consequential omissions of any kind in the application process are sufficient for my not being hired or for my dismissal if I am already employed no matter when discovered. I understand and agree if, in the opinion of the Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota, the results of any obtained background check are unsatisfactory, an offer of employment that has been made may be withdrawn or my employment with the Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota may and can be terminated. I authorize the Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota to investigate all information contained within this application. The employers, schools, or individuals named are authorized to give information regarding my employment, character, performance, and qualifications. I hereby release all persons, agencies, or firms, from any and all liabilities resulting from providing such information. I understand if I am hired, my employment is not for any definite period of time or successions of periods, is not governed by any written or oral contract, and is considered an "at-will" arrangement. This means either the Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota or I am free to terminate my employment at any time for any reason, so long as there is no violation of any applicable law. I have read and understand this application in its entirety.