Launch Referral Form

Launch is an open access advice and information service which offers guidance and practical support to young people in areas such as housing, homelessness, budgeting, family relationships, employment, sexual health, well-being and substance misuse recovery. We offer free, confidential advice and support service for anyone aged 11-25 living in Hampshire, Surrey, Berkshire, West Sussex, Dorset, Swindon & Wiltshire

We offer in-person or remote appointments depending on your location. We are here to listen, offer guidance and provide practical support on a number of issues.

We do not provide help in an emergency. If you are concerned about the immediate safety of you or someone else then call 999 for emergency services or visit your local A&E.

If you are in need of urgent help we would recommend contacting your GP, NHS 111 or the following services:
Samaritans - 116 123

Papyrus - 0800 068 41 41 

Frank - 0300 123 6600

Should you have any questions in relation to this service, or referral form please email: or call 01252 346105.

Referrer Details
If you are referring on behalf of a child or young person please complete the section below. Please make sure you have gained the appropriate consent before making this referral.
Young Person Details
Parent/Guardian Contact Details
Please provide contact details of person with parental responsibility. This is an optional section and is not required.
Reason for Referral
Include details of frequency and type of drug or alcohol use if known.
We promise to respect any personal data you share with us and keep it safe. We aim to be clear when we collect your data about how it will be used, and not to do anything you would not reasonably expect. Our privacy policy can be accessed here -

If you are unable to accept our privacy policy, we will be unable to process your referral. If you have any questions about this please contact us by visiting our website or by calling 01252 346105.

Step By Step, 36 Crimea Road, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU11 1UD

01252 346105