RIT Volunteer Application

Confidentiality Disclaimer: Refugee & Immigrant Transitions (RIT) does not share, sell, or trade any of our applicants' information with any entity outside the organization. We will not send you any mailings on behalf of other organizations. All of the applicants' information is stored in RIT's secure Salesforce database.

Contact Info

Note: RIT volunteering is only open to applicants 18 years of age or older.

EB = East Bay; SB = South Bay; SF = San Francisco

Personal Info

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For example: fundraising experience, website/computer skills, translation abilities.
Work Info

Education Info

Volunteering Preferences

Although we may not be able to accommodate all of your preferences, this section will help us determine an appropriate match/program for you. There will be an opportunity to change or specify your preferences during the interview. For more info about RIT programs, please see reftrans.org/apply.

All the questions in this section are multiple-choice. 

Please press Ctrl on Windows or Command on MacOS if choosing more than one option.

EB = East Bay, SB = South Bay, SF = San Francisco

Program hours:
  • Daytime Classroom Support program: weekdays only (high school hours)
  • After-School Tutoring program: weekdays only (approx. 3pm to 6pm) 
  • Home-Based Tutoring/Mentoring program: weekdays, weeknights, weekends

Please provide two references. If you're unable to do so at this time, please bring two references' information to your interview. 

Volunteer Agreement
Your signature is your "legally-binding contract" to Refugee & Immigrant Transitions that all the information you have provided in your application is accurate and completed to the best of your knowledge. In addition, you also agree to the following terms:
  • I understand that the agency has to take the best interests of its clients into consideration first. In order to assure their safety and protection, it is the policy of Refugee & Immigrant Transitions to conduct criminal background checks on our volunteers.
  • I authorize Refugee & Immigrant Transitions to conduct a background check on myself and I will submit the required fingerprints upon request by Refugee & Immigrant Transitions staff.
  • I understand that Refugee & Immigrant Transitions' volunteers who tutor at school sites need to comply with school district policies and complete a tuberculosis screen.

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