The Southend Family Network are registered with the Information Commissioner and act jointly, as data controllers, to protect your data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, The UK GDPR, our Joint Controller Agreement and any other appropriate regulations.
The information we collect from you will be used to register you and your child for our services. The processing of your information allows us to deliver our services to you. If you have consented to receiving information about our future events, activities, news and services, then we will also reach out to you for this reason. If you would like to change or withdraw your consent, please let us know at
As our projects are often funded by external organisations such as National Lottery Community Fund, Department for Education and research groups, we may share your personal details with them, as they have an interest in the success and performance of our services. This also helps us give our Funders a better understanding of who we are reaching with our services and where we may need to improve to ensure the community is reflected in those using our services. We may link your personal information with other data collected by our partners (for example data on Education and Health) to ensure our services are making a difference. Whenever we share your personal information, we ensure it is protected.
If you would like more information on how we process your data please request a full privacy notice from your local family centre, or send us an email at or
You can view our individual privacy notices here: