Laundry Love
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Home Address - Street
Congregation (if applicable)
Laundry Love events take place every Tuesday morning of the month, unless the laundromat is closed for a holiday. Volunteer orientation will be provided. Our host is Spin City Laundry, located at 232 North Central Avenue, Duluth.
I'm interested in volunteering with Laundry Love in the following ways:
I would like to raise funds for feeding coins to the machines.
I would like to take the lead on site (manage logistics on site, take reservations and assign machines).
I would like to offer hospitality on site during the event.
I would like to recruit and coordinate volunteers, and coordinate to provide a minimum of 4 volunteers at each event.
Which Tuesdays work for you?
Please select...
I have a team of 4 volunteers and would like to extend the hours of operation on a Tuesday .
1st Tuesdays hosted by The Vineyard
2nd Tuesdays morning shift in need of a team leader and volunteer support
3rd Tuesdays hosted by Beatitudes in Action Team St. Michael's Catholic Church
4th Tuesdays are currently fully staffed by volunteers from Lakeside Presbyterian.
5th Tuesdays (about 6 times per year) in need of a team leader to coordinate help from west side congregations; fundraising needed
Sign me up for the following:
Please select...
Sign me up to join a team!
Sign up our group for regular participation.
What training or experience do you have?
Contact Information