Field Trip Request Form

Bring your class or group to Hugo House for an hour of creative writing instruction on anything from poetry to flash fiction, graphic novels to performance, and beyond. Students will work with one of our talented teaching artists to experiment with writing activities, respond to prompts, and share some of their work on stage in our Salon.

Hugo House field trips are open to all middle and high school students. The standard price per hour is $125 for up to 20 students or $200 for up to 30 students. We provide scholarship assistance upon request.

Please fill out the form below to send us your field trip request.

Contact Information

School Information

Begin Typing your School Name

Field Trip Information

What days/dates/times work best for your group? Field trip scheduling is subject to facilitator and space availability. Please be as specific as possible.

Select all that apply

These are HOURS

Location? At Hugo House or a different Location? Accessibility Needs? Scholarship Assistance?
Experience Default Values

This needs to be changed Every July 1st to the next Year Program Season