Pro Bono Pledge & Pupil Pledge 2023

Completion Form

Thank you so much for making pro bono work an important part of your practice this year. 

Your commitment to access to justice means the world to those in need of legal assistance. As someone who recently received pro bono help put it:

We really appreciate all the work you have so skilfully put in on our behalf and can see how complicated these things are. We really would have been in all sorts of trouble without you so thank you for being there for us in our hour of need.

Please fill in this form if: 

You are a second six pupil who has completed one or more pieces of pro bono work since the start of your second six,


You are a barrister (post-pupillage) who has completed 25 or more hours of pro bono work since the start of 2023.

On receipt of your completed form, you will be sent your celebratory Pro Bono Pledge or Pupil Pledge logo for your email signature and Chambers profile.

From all of us at Advocate many, many thanks!

Barrister Details

Thank you so much for generously volunteering your time and expertise, and assisting those in need of legal assistance.

I will be in touch soon with your Pro Bono Pledge/Pupil Pledge logo.

To submit this form, press 'Submit' below.