Educators of Excellence Award Nomination

New Memphis knows that great leadership is needed in every corner of our community — from the board room to the classroom. Educators are essential leaders in our community as their impact and investment is critical to our city’s future success. At New Memphis, we believe it is paramount to recognize the contribution of our best educators, to learn from their experiences, and to support them in their growth. To recognize and celebrate the outstanding work of exceptional educators, we launched the New Memphis Educators of Excellence Awards in 2018. We encourage you to join in our efforts by nominating an educator below.  The whole city needs to hear their stories – why they are driven to teach, the sacrifices they make to be excellent for our kids, and how they approach classrooms and schools with innovative, resilient spirits. With your help, we can appreciate great teachers and help Memphis retain great educators in our community. 

To apply:
  • Applicants must plan to be employed in Memphis as one of the following at the time of application (May-June) and at time of recognition (August): prek-12th grade full-time teacher, instructional staff, support staff, or school or network administrator
To learn more about the award and how winners are recognized, click here!  
Thank you to the generous support of the Crews Family Foundation for making this award possible.

If you would like to nominate more than one person, use the "Nominate Another Educator" button below.
I.  NOMINATOR INFORMATION:  tell us about yourself

II. NOMINEE INFORMATION:  tell us about the person you're recommending

Please provide your response to the following question in the text box below.  Your response should be no more than 250 words in length.  It is recommended to type in another application and then copy and paste into the space below.