As a volunteer with “I Have A Dream” Foundation of Boulder County, I agree to:
● Fulfill my volunteer commitment with the “I Have A Dream” Foundation to the best of my ability. Volunteer as scheduled and contact my assigned Supervisor or Program Director in advance, if I am unable to attend a scheduled session.
● Act as a positive role model encouraging high academic standards and emotional growth in Dreamer Scholars; be consistent, dependable and not make promises I cannot keep; model the same behavior expected of the Dreamer Scholars.
● Dress appropriately and abide by all dress codes; act appropriately including: no engaging in the use of alcohol and/or substances prior to meeting with or during contact with Dreamer Scholars, alcohol/substance abuse, profanity and inappropriate language, discussion of, or dissemination of, inappropriate subjects, or taking/sharing inappropriate photos.
● Show up 10-15 minutes prior to the beginning of volunteering and stay 10-15 minutes after to check in with program staff.
● Follow the instruction of my supervisor, Program Director (PD), or Program Specialist (PS), and support them in engaging the Dreamer Scholars in program activities or as assigned for competing tasks, projects, committee work, or other assignments as applied to the role I am filling.
● Not record video, audio, or take photos of Dreamer Scholars, IHDF Staff members or volunteers without permission and authorization from IHDF Staff.
● Not engage in social media with Dreamer Scholars and restrict my accounts such that Dreamer Scholars do not have access to any potentially inappropriate content connected with my accounts.
● Refrain from being alone and unsupervised with Dreamer Scholars and will remain in the line of sight and under direct supervision of IHDF program staff at all times unless approved and directed by the IHDF Program Director.
● Refrain from contact (e.g. grabbing coffee, shooting hoops, etc.) outside of scheduled program hours; or volunteer in a Dreamer Scholar’s home unless specifically authorized by "I Have A Dream” staff.
● Not initiate and/or engage in any virtual/online contact with Dreamer Scholars unless approved by my assigned supervisor or Program Director (PD). If approved to provide virtual and/ or hybrid support to a Dreamer Scholar, I will also follow all expectations shared with me as outlined in the Virtual/Online Volunteer Support Expectations.
● Address any questions, issues, or concerns directly with my assigned supervisor. Direct all conflict resolution, incidents, and behavior issues to IHDF staff and will not physically touch a Dreamer Scholar to redirect them for any reason.
● Immediately tell the PD or PS if I have any reasonable concern, know of, or suspect a Dreamer Scholar has potentially been or has been subjected to any form of abuse or neglect. I understand that additional training regarding Child Protection will be offered by IHDF once per semester and my attendance is strongly encouraged.
● Never laugh at a student’s mistake. Do not assume what a student should/shouldn’t know. Support students by encouraging them and empowering them to succeed. This will increase their self-esteem and self-respect.
● Support the Dreamer Scholar’s quest for all post-secondary options (college, higher education, vocational school, meaningful career, etc.).
● Exercise appropriate confidentiality by not sharing, revealing and/or discussing personal information, records, forms, names, etc. outside of the organization that have been shared with you confidentially and/or unless given permission or made public by the organization. This includes refraining from utilizing volunteer email addresses and other contact information to discuss and/or promote non-program related information or questions (including political campaigning).
● Never intercede for a parent/caregiver. If the Dreamer Scholar has a conflict with the law, school, etc. their parent is responsible for the child. Only become involved if the PD/PS asks you to/approves your involvement.
● When volunteering at a school or community center program site: follow all school and center policies and leave the volunteer areas tidy.
● Update the Volunteer Department, as well as my assigned supervisor, Program Director, or Program Specialist, should my contact information change (address, phone, email, etc.) and when I plan to end my volunteer service.
● Read the Volunteer Orientation Handbook and if requested, attend a required volunteer site training before beginning my volunteer service, and take advantage of additional training opportunities and resources provided by “I Have A Dream” designed to develop new skills, improve cultural competency, and gain new experiences and perspectives.
● Follow “I Have A Dream” Foundation policies and procedures as outlined in the Volunteer Orientation Handbook and any training manual I may receive as part of my volunteer service.