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 M² Senior Educators Cohort Application

Welcome! We are so happy that you have chosen to apply for Senior Educators Cohort, the flagship program of M²: The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education. The following application is intended for us to learn about who you are, your aspirations as a Jewish educator, and your experiences. Senior Educators Cohort (SEC) is a 3-part cohort intensive for senior-level educators, facilitated by cross-disciplinary experts and faculty, and supported through mentorship. SEC is geared toward educators who are working in the field of Jewish education and are positioned to implement your learnings among a group of learners. ‘Learners’ can be defined as classroom students as well as colleagues, campers, congregants, board members, etc. M² introduces participants to underlying theories and educational pedagogies in experiential education and creates opportunities for participants to experience, process, and conceptualize learnings from their experiences in real time. Participants learn from faculty as well as one another, all while immersed in interactive and engaging environments. Our aim is that each participant will ultimately walk away with new and enhanced learning, language and invaluable skills and tools to apply in their work. We look forward to reading your responses and very much welcome your honesty and candor. If you have any questions, or would like to speak about the process, please contact Emily Faber, Assistant Program Director, at emily@ieje.org. If you'd like to work on the essay questions before completing the entire application, you can find a complete list of them here. Please note that you can save your progress at any time and resume this application.

Contact Information

When writing your phone number, please include your country code, excluding the extra zeros, as is shown in the example. Please use only digits and no symbols. For example if you reside in Israel write “9725449232232”, and if you reside in the US write “19177428556".

Personal Information

We ask the following information because it is important that we understand the scope of Jewish educators we are reaching as well as to create a diverse and interesting cohort for this program.

Please write in MM/DD/YYYY format

Please note that SEC is designed for Jewish professionals currently working in the field.


Employment Information

You are eligible to apply to SEC if you are working in the field of Jewish education and are positioned to implement your learnings within the field. 

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It is common for a workplace to be referred to by multiple names, so please try a few options to find your organization from the options above. For example, Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan may also be referred to as JCC Manhattan. If you cannot find your organization, please select ‘other’ in the next field and enter it manually.



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An important component of SEC is the robust cohort experience, which is made possible through full group participation and attendance. M²'s attendance policy is to allow participants to miss up to two seminar days in total for personal life cycle events of first degree family members.

Do you commit to attending the three seminars in full (should Covid-19 not hinder travel and in-person gatherings at the time of our seminar)?

The seminar dates are:

Seminar 1: October 29-November 2, 2023 (Miami, Florida)

Seminar 2: February 25-29, 2024 (Location TBD)
Seminar 3: June 23-27, 2024 (New York)


Supervisor Information

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SEC is an immersive experience and requires a significant amount of time away from your place of employment. Should you be accepted into the cohort, we want to ensure that your employer or supervisor is also committed to supporting you in your professional development journey. Upon acceptance into the program, supervisors are expected to complete a Supervisor Agreement Form to ensure they understand the extent of your expectations in the program. 

Please provide your supervisor’s contact information below: 

Please include country code.
Please provide two references that we may contact to learn more about you. Please note that you can use your supervisor as a reference, if applicable.  

First Reference

Please include country code.

Second Reference

Please include country code.


Learning More About You

Please note that you can press ‘save progress’ and resume this page (or any part of this form) at any point. 

Please answer the following essay questions so that we can learn more about you as a candidate. For a complete list of essay questions, click here.

Choose one of the following two questions to answer (200 word limit):

Choose one of the following two questions to answer (200 word limit):


File Uploads

To get a better sense of who you are, please create a 60-second video that shares with us something about you. It could be your aspirations, your passions, a tour of your space, sharing with us a hobby or something that you care deeply about. Anything and everything is possible! (Cell phone videos are great!)

If after you submit this form you get the error: "413 Request Entity Too Large", this means that your video file is too large. Please either share a link or email rena@ieje.org with your file.


SEC Tuition

Please note that you can save your progress and resume this application at any point. 

The Senior Educators Cohort is intended for exceptional Jewish educators from across the field, and creating a diverse and equitable cohort is at the core of our mission. SEC is highly subsidized due to generous support from Maimonides Fund.

For SEC 7, tuition has been reduced to $3,500, including a non-refundable $300 registration fee. Tuition covers programming, airfare (up to $400 per seminar for domestic participants or up to $1200 towards the third seminar for international participants), and OU-certified Kosher food. The first seminar will be single accommodations at no additional cost, but participants will have the ability to pay the difference between double and single accommodations for the second and third seminars if they choose to.  Cost does not cover travel to/from airport or additional airline fees.


Financial Aid for SEC

Even though SEC is significantly subsidized from the actual cost of attendance, we recognize that there are circumstances which may make it financially difficult to take part in the program. This page is intended to help you quickly see your tuition cost estimate based on the circumstances which apply to you. This information will remain confidential.