KAHAL New Participant Sign Up

Hello! We are so excited that you want to learn more about and connect with KAHAL at JDC Entwine! Please fill out this form so that we can reach out and help enhance your study abroad experience.  

If you have any questions, please reach out to Sophie Schoenbrun at sophiesc@jdc.org.

Contact Information

This way we can address you respectfully in conversation and communication.

This way we can address you respectfully in conversation and communication.

Entwine programs are geared towards young professionals in their 20’s and 30’s

We love social media! Please add your Instagram handle.
Referral Information

Student Academic Information

Time Abroad

About You

We are asking the following questions about gender and gender identity as Entwine's programs seek to represent the full mosaic and diversity of the Jewish communityJDC Entwine does not discriminate based on your responses.  For clarity on particular terms related to gender identity, please visit this glossary.

The options below are listed alphabetically and you can multiselect, self-identify, or select 'prefer not to answer. 

Cis: anyone who knows themselves to be the gender they were assigned at birth; Trans: anyone who knows themselves to be a gender that is different from the gender they were assigned at birth

About You
We are asking you the following questions about race, ethnicity, and your relationship to Judaism as Entwine's programs seek to represent the full mosaic and diversity of the Jewish communityJDC Entwine does not discriminate based on your responses.  

options below are listed alphabetically and you can multiselect, self-identify, or select 'prefer not to answer.

These terms refer to ancestry from... Ashkenazi: Europe or former Soviet Union | Indian: Bnei Israel or Bagdadi | Jewtina/o: Latin America | Mizrahi: Middle East & North Africa | Persian: Iran | Sephardi: Iberian Peninsula | Russian Speaking Jew: at least one parent who was born in the former Soviet Union