Representing Asylum-Seekers: Mock Hearing Edition

View the training online anytime. You will be emailed the training link within 1 business day of registering.

Asylum-seekers are 14 times more likely to be able to stay in the U.S. when they have a lawyer representing them. As lawyers, you can learn the skills to help immigrants seeking safety and stability in the wake of violence.

  • The AM session covers how to represent children and families applying for asylum while in removal proceedings, including asylum law, special protections for unaccompanied children, filling out the application, and appearing in court.
  • The PM Session is a presentation of a mock hearing with retired Immigration Judges Lisa Dornell and Paul Schmidt.

Participating attorneys (licensed to practice and in good standing in at least one state) must agree to accept at least one asylum pro bono case from a Maryland Immigrant Legal Assistance Project (MILAP) Partner within one year of training (note, depending upon the process that applies to the pro bono case, volunteer attorneys will need to either attend an interview and/or hearing in either the Arlington Asylum Office and/or one of Maryland’s immigration courts in Hyattsville or Baltimore). 

Tell us about yourself! Please type full names and addresses as you'd like communications to be addressed.

Home Address

Work Address (if any)

Phone Contact (s) (XXX-XXX-XXXX)

Please enter all states where you are licensed to practice (including Maryland) and the year and bar number.

Please list areas in which you have experience and how many years experience you have in each area. (Add as many as you like.)

Please enter all spoken languages, your fluency level, and whether you are willing to volunteer to interpret or translate. (Add as many as you like.)