Peer Support Volunteer Agreement

The Peer Support Volunteer position is an opportunity to directly support individuals and caregivers who are living with the effects of brain trauma. Please review and complete this Peer Support Volunteer Agreement which provides an overview of the commitment, training, timelines, boundaries, and basic expectations. 

As a Peer Support Volunteer, you can assist Peer Support Partners by drawing on your personal experiences and knowledge about concussion, persistent post-concussion symptoms (PPCS), or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). 

Please select which types of Peer Support Partners you would like to connect with based on your experiences and interest:  

Becoming a Peer Support Volunteer
The process to become a Peer Support Volunteer includes:
  • Submitting your application
  • Speaking with CLF’s program coordinator for a brief interview
  • Committing to service
  • Completing the Peer Support Volunteer Training
  • Completing a background check
The Peer-Support Volunteer (PSV) position is a one-year commitment, after which point the role can be renewed. During that time, a PSV may be set up with one or multiple Peer Support Partner connections. 

Connections between Volunteers and Partners made within the CLF Peer Support Connection Program are structured around fixed start and end periods, communication commitments, and renewal opportunities. After two peer support connection periods with a Partner, or approximately six months, the structure and communication requirements end so that meaningful connections can progress independently into the future.
As a person impacted by brain trauma either directly or as a caregiver, your unique lived experience has already partially prepared you for this role. We’ll provide additional tools for you to have a successful peer support connection and respond to relationships if they become especially challenging.

The CLF Peer Support Volunteer Training covers a review of educational materials, support strategies, and crisis management tactics. You can find up-to-date trainings on the CLF Peer Support Volunteer Resource Hub
Peer Support Volunteer Commitment Overview
Below is a general overview of the Peer Support Volunteer commitment year and what to expect from this role:

Application Process
  • Application/Onboarding information submitted
  • Peer-Support Volunteer Agreement read, signed, and submitted
  • Training materials completed
  • Background check completed

Month 1-9 – Matching Eligibility period
  • Volunteer may be connected with a Partner or Partners
  • Attend at least 1 Peer Support Volunteer Zoom meeting. Invitations will be sent by email. 
  • Submit connection summaries to Patient Services Coordinator for Partner updates

Month 10-11 – Renewal period
  • Eligibility period ends
  • New Partner connections are paused until renewal is confirmed
  • Training material review

Month 12 – Commitment Year Ends
  • Volunteer connects with Patient Services Coordinator for renewal (if applicable) and review meeting
1:1 Peer Support Connection Timeline
Below is a general overview of a typical Volunteer and Partner connection, including what is expected from Volunteers:

Week 1
  • Volunteer is introduced to a Partner and takes the lead on setting up the first call or interaction
  • If a Partner does not respond to a Volunteer intro email after two weeks, please notify CLF and we'll message the Partner to check in. If they still aren't responding or have not scheduled a first meeting after CLF checks in, we will work with the Volunteer to assess whether a path forward is possible. 

Month 1-3
  • Volunteer connects with the Partner once every two weeks and submits brief connection summaries
  • After three months, Volunteer and Partner decide whether to continue scheduling times to connect or choose to end their connection early. Please notify CLF if you wish to end a connection early or have questions about next steps. 

Month 4-6
  • Volunteer connects with the Partner once a month and submits brief connection summaries
  • After six months, Volunteer and Partner decide whether to continue scheduling times to connect or choose to end their connection early. Please notify CLF if you wish to end a connection early or have questions about next steps. 

Month 7-12
  • Volunteer and Partner may continue communicating on an as-needed basis without regularly scheduled connections
  • -OR- Volunteer and Partner decide whether to continue scheduling times to connect or choose to end their connection early. Please notify CLF if you wish to end a connection early or have questions about next steps.
  • Volunteer updates CLF with any major changes or incidents with the Partner that we may be able to assist with.
Month 12 and Onward
  • Formal connection period is complete. Volunteer and Partner decide whether to:
    • Part ways and discontinue communications. 
    • Continue communications with the understanding that you are available to each other on an informal, as-needed basis independent of the CLF Peer Support Program. 
    • Renew the formal connection and schedule times to connect. Please email CLF to re-establish the length and frequency of the renewed formal connection.  
Engagement Boundaries
Peer-Support Volunteers are asked to engage with their Partner with empathy and patience. A supportive relationship can be developed by sharing experiences, providing recommendations, or simply listening. Setting clear boundaries will assist this process. Here are some example boundaries for what is and what is not within the scope of support for engagements:
  • Within the scope of support
    • Sharing treatment experiences and personal stories
    • Listening to concerns in an empathic and judgement free manner
    • Strategizing, casually bonding, finding additional resources together
    • Scheduled phone calls, text messages, audio messages, letters, video calls
  • Outside the scope of support
    • Providing professional medical opinions or diagnoses
    • Providing professional legal or financial advice
    • Giving financial support in the form of money or material assets
    • In-person meetings
Volunteers are not obligated to share information or discuss topics with their Partner that are outside of their personal comfort zone. If Volunteers become uncomfortable or enter into a discussion they feel is beyond their scope, we ask that they contact the Peer Support Coordinator (
False starts
Connections between Peer Support Volunteers and Partners are entered voluntarily and can be terminated at any time for any reason.

Not every partnership will be successful. A Peer Support Volunteer or Partner may request that a connection conclude ahead of schedule.

When this happens, we will follow up separately with each party to understand why the connection was not a good fit and begin the matching process again.
Crisis Situations
Our Peer Support Volunteer Training provides guidance on how to respond to mental health crises or possible emergency situations. The most important step is for Volunteers to notify CLF by email ( if they suspect a partner is at high risk for crisis. Once notified, CLF will communicate with you, assess the situation, and may enact our emergency response procedures.
Program Contacts
Program Coordinator: Tyler Ambrose,
CLF Canada Coordinator: Taya Leforte,
As. Director of Patient Programs
: Michael Burke,
Program Email:
Goals and Expectations Checklist

Below are the required components of your commitment to the Peer Support Volunteer role. Please review these goals and expectations and use them to help inform your annual Peer Support Volunteer renewal.

Build a strong emotional connection to ensure Partners do not feel alone or isolated
Create a safe environment for the Partner to talk about their frustrations and fears by sharing your personal experience and guidance
Remain open and available to the Partner's questions
Provide resources, hope, encouragement, and a positive attitude to uplift Partner during recovery

Responds in a timely manner (3 business days) to accept or decline match request
Complete initial Peer Support Volunteer training
Attend at least 1 Peer Support Volunteer Zoom Meeting
Review crisis response procedures document
Make initial contact with a new Partner within one week of assignment
Initiate and schedule no less than one Volunteer/Partner conversation per month for the first 6 months (phone, text, email). Connect once every two weeks for the first three months.
Submit brief status reports to let CLF know that you connected and how the Partner is progressing with treatments/challenges
Alert CLF if the Partner needs support, such as a recommendation for a medical provider
Alert CLF if the Partner is experiencing a severe emotional crisis, shows signs of heightened suicide risk, or shows signs of a life threatening emergency
Peer Support Volunteer Consent
Please read carefully and confirm the following requirements before signing:
  • I am over 18 years old
  • I agree to provide my personal identification information to a secure third-party consumer reporting agency selected by the CLF Peer Support Connection program to conduct a criminal background check and identity verification
  • I agree to follow all mentoring program guidelines and commitment obligations outlined in the Peer Support Volunteer Agreement and understand that any violation will result in suspension and/or termination of the mentoring relationship
  • I agree to complete the Peer Support Volunteer Training guidebook
  • I understand that the CLF Peer Support Volunteer Program is not obligated to provide a reason for their decision in accepting or rejecting me as a Peer Support Volunteer
  • I agree to allow the Concussion Legacy Foundation to use any photographic image of me taken while participating in the mentoring program. These images may be used in promotions or other related marketing materials
  • I understand that information about myself will be anonymously (without my name) shared with a prospective Partner(s) and his/her/their parent(s)/guardian(s) to aid in determining a suitable match. Once a Volunteer/Partner match is determined, my identity and any other information known about me may be shared with the Partner and parent/guardian to ensure and aid in facilitating a safe and successful match relationship. Your information will not be shared with any third-party organizations without your consent except in cases where there is imminent risk of harm to self or someone else, or where otherwise required by law. 
Peer Support Volunteer Consent for Minor
Parent/Guardian Agreement Signature - Skip if volunteer is over 18

By allowing my child to participate in the CLF Peer Support Connection Program as a Peer Support Volunteer, I agree to:
  • Allow my child to participate in the CLF Peer Support Partner Program as a volunteer to a Partner
  • Ensure my child completes the Peer Support Volunteer Training guidebook
  • Encourage my child to follow all rules and guidelines as outlined by the Peer Support Volunteer Training guidebook, program policies, and this contract
  • Understand that any violation on my child’s part may result in suspension and/or termination of the mentoring relationship
  • Regularly and openly communicate with the program coordinator as requested
  • Inform the program coordinator if I observe any difficulties or have areas of concern that may arise in a match relationship
  • Allow CLF to use any photographic image of my child taken while participating in the mentorship program which may be used in promotions or related marketing materials
  • Participate in a peer support connection period closure process
  • Agree that future contact between my child and his/her/their Partner is beyond the scope of the CLF Peer Support Connection Program and can happen only by the mutual consensus of the volunteer, the Partner, and myself
I agree to follow all the above stipulations of this program as well as any other conditions as instructed by the program coordinator at this time or in the future.