Join the first-of-its-kind global directory of people and organizations committed to creating and sharing rigorous and compelling reporting on responses to social problems. Use the directory to build connections with others, expand your network and help capture the spread of this practice around the world.
The information you share here will be used to populate your directory listing on the Solutions Journalism Network website. We will never sell or transfer your information to third parties for commercial or advertising purposes. We may use your information to link you to opportunities and connections within our network. You may update or delete your directory listing at any time by contacting Marie von Hafften at Don’t worry about keeping note of this! This information will be listed on the Solutions Journalism Network website page for the directory.) View our full privacy policy here.
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NOTE: To save your form before completing/submitting it, enter your email address and password, check the "Save my progress and resume later" box, and click “Submit.” Your form will not be submitted, it will be saved, and you will be able to return to it later. Once the "Save my progress and resume later" box is unchecked, you can click “Submit” for final submission of your form.