Bystander Intervention Training to Stop Hate-Based Harassment
Training Plan Id
Campaign Id
What is the name of your trainer?
What was the date of your training?
Thank you for joining us!
It was a pleasure to have you at our Bystander Intervention Training to Stop Hate-Based Harassment.
To help us improve this training, pl
ease indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements:
First impressions--share a few words or a quick sentence reflecting your initial thoughts:
Strongly Disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neutral
4 Agree
Strongly Agree
After attending this training, I have a strong understanding of what hate-based harassment looks like.
I have a strong understanding of the *impact* of hate-based harassment.
The 5Ds provide me with strategies I can use to safely intervene when I witness hate-based harassment.
*The scenarios and interactive questions gave me an opportunity to practice the new strategies I learned today.
*The presentation was easy to understand.
*The trainer(s) were knowledgable and prepared.
*The trainer(s) were engaging and encouraged participation.
*My superpower is:
Please select...
If I saw hate-based harassment happening today, I feel like there is at least one thing that I could do to intervene.
Not Sure
*I would recommend this training to a friend.
Not Sure
Outside of the 5Ds, are there any intervention methods you use or would feel comfortable using that you would like to share?
What's one thing we could do to improve this training?
What would you say about the value of this training to you? if you're interested in sharing a quote, that we can use publicly in marketing and fundraising materials, please share here (Thank You!). Please include how you would like to be identified - i.e., your name, role, anonymous).
Is there anything you'd like to share directly with your trainer/s?
Stay Connected
Would you like to be connected to additional resources? Visit
our website
and scroll down until you see "Sign Up for our Email List"
Share Your Story
Sharing your story of harassment can be a powerful step in helping to address harassment. When you share your story, you are shining a light on the pervasive nature of harassment and helping others by letting them know they are not alone. It can also help you take back your power and heal. Share your story now at
. You can share it anonymously.
Tell Us About You!
Your response helps us understand and serve our communities.
What is your age?
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What is your gender? (Select all that apply.)
Please select...
Prefer Not to Say
Gender Expansive, Non-binary, Third Gender
Select all that apply by holding down control key or command key while clicking on multiple options.
If Other gender, please describe.
How do you describe your ethnicity? (Select all that apply.)
Please select...
Prefer Not to Say
Native American, Alaskan Native, First Nations
Asian, including South Asian
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
Middle Eastern or Northern African
Select all that apply by holding down control key or command key while clicking on multiple options.
If Other ethnicity, please describe.
What is your sexual orientation? (Select all that apply.)
Please select...
Prefer Not to Say
Heterosexual or Straight
Select all that apply by holding down control key or command key while clicking on multiple options.
If Other sexual orientation, please describe.
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