2023 Black Empowerment Works Reviewer Application

Black Empowerment Works promotes Black self-determination, social mobility and economic prosperity by providing resources and funding to community-based, Black-led work.

Reviewers are responsible for upholding the vision of Black Empowerment Works by recommending the work to receive funding.

We are glad you are interested in taking part! The following questions will be used to help us select a diverse and engaged reviewer pool with representation across age, race/ethnicity, gender, geography, experience and perspective.

Note: this application may take anywhere from 20 - 45 minutes to complete.

The application closes June 5 at 11:59p.m. ET.

Visit the Black Empowerment Works site for more information. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or need support, do not hesitate to reach out to us at black-led@uwgc.org or 513.762.7233

Contact Information

We would like to track geographic diversity with this information.

Please enter the 10-digit phone number with no additional characters (e.g. 1234567899)

Black Empowerment Works Experience/Perspective Questions

This section aims to give us some more information about your experiences and perspective. There are no right or wrong answers. Use as many or as few words as you need to respond to the questions.

Reviewer Training

Signing up to be a reviewer includes a commitment of time and resources. All reviewers will participate in:
  • Training
  • Written application reviews
  • Discussions with fellow reviewers
  • Grantee/Reviewer conversations
The estimated time commitment across the three months of the experience is 30 hours.

The following questions aim to learn more about your ability to meet these commitments and any support you may need to do so.

This year's requirement is a day of training. This will be an in-person session at with lunch and refreshments provided.   There are two options to attend:
  • Saturday, June 24, 10a.m. to 5p.m. ET, location to be announced
  • Wednesday, June 28, 9a.m. to 4p.m. ET, location to be announced

Demographic Information

We are seeking to select a diverse reviewer pool., and the following demographic questions include areas of diversity we are looking to include. For the following questions, choose the response that best fits. You can select "prefer not to say" if you are not comfortable sharing.

United Way of Greater Cincinnati
2400 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45202
513.762.7233 black-led@uwgc.org

United Way of Greater Cincinnati
2400 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45202
513-762-7100 | live.united@uwgc.org | www.uwgc.org