2023-24 GV Advanced Leadership Program Application

Thank you for your interest in joining the Global Visionaries Advanced Leadership Program (ALP). Empowering leadership through youth-led awareness and community engagement. 

Dear Applicants, as part of the Advanced Leadership Program you will have the unique opportunity to engage with next year's participants and inspire them to be the change they wish to see in their local and global communities. Do you want to help them get involved in activism? Learn more about themselves? Or perhaps guide them through a similar, if not better GV experience than your own?

Once accepted into this program, your journey will involve cultivating relationships with each first-year participant and your respective team members so that they can make a difference, not just in Guatemala but also in your greater local community. 

Please read the instructions and additional content fully while you apply.



The application takes about 45 minutes to complete and cannot be saved, so please complete the entire application in one sitting. Be sure to hit the submit button at the end.

Prepare for the application by having the following information available beforehand:

  • All relevant contact information for applicant 
  • Family financial information


Additional Steps: 

  1. All New Applicants must schedule an interview with a GV Staff Member. E-mail programs@global-visionaries.org to schedule your interview.
  2. We will contact a parent/guardian to confirm the applicant’s application. 
  3. Submit a $25 deposit Once accepted into the program, this deposit will go towards your program costs. If you are not accepted you will be reimbursed. Please include "ALP deposit for (your name)" in the comments section. 

Application Checklist

New Applicants and Returning ALP

Schedule Interview

Submit $25 Deposit

Complete Application by August 31, 2023 at 11:59pm.


Items can be completed in any order. 

Advanced Leadership Program Mission:

To advance and sustain Global Visionaries' programs dedicated to social and environmental justice through youth leadership, education, and community.


Responsibilities & Expectations

1. Attendance and Active Participation 

  • Attendance, punctuality, and active participation is mandatory for all ALP activities, including: Team Meetings, Enrichment, Consciousness, and Opportunity Days (E.C.O. Days), and the ALP Retreat. If applicable to your team/role: Retreats and Social Justice Workshops for Programs, GV Fundraising Events (e.g. Auction), and external opportunities.
  • If you demonstrate a pattern of being late and/or absent, you will need to meet with GV staff to review and evaluate your membership on the ALP. There are no "unexcused absences." Since GV is a youth-run organization, for youth and by youth, it can only function with your consistent presence and leadership. The GV community is not complete and whole without you!

2. Communication

  • All members are required to read and respond (as applicable) to all communications from GV. You must alert GV Staff AT LEAST 24 HOURS in advance if you are going to miss a meeting. If a meeting is missed, it is the responsibility of that member to coordinate a make-up.
  • Methods of communication include: phone calls, e-mails, and text messages via the Remind app.


3. Integrity, Ethics, and Conduct

  • Meetings are a space for positive, active engagement. You are expected to come to all meetings with a positive attitude and a readiness to participate and contribute. Please keep meetings inclusive, gossip free, and substance free. Gossip, disrespect, and substance use is grounds for removal.
  • Continue to be an aware and active leader of social and environmental justice and a supportive peer mentor for the first year participants. 
  • You are all representatives of Global Visionaries. Refrain from misconduct that will reflect poorly on the integrity of the organization.
  • Dating between GV first year participants and ALP members is not allowed unless it is pre-existing and must be declared publicly to GV staff and ALP peers.


Advanced Leadership Program Teams 

*Please be advised of the potential changes to the Advanced Leadership Program*

Some ALP teams may be combined, additional teams added, or have shared duties. Once we have received all applications we will discuss any team changes with each participant individually before final acceptance. 


Preference given to returning ALP members and rising Juniors.

Description: Members of the Board of Directors will assist in Global Visionaries’ governance, development, and representation within the community. These leaders serve as a bridge for their peers in ALP and adult colleagues on the board. Members inform each party about what's happening behind the scenes in order to develop a stronger culture of philanthropy, and ultimately a growing and sustainable organization. Board of Directors for the 2023-24 program year will also have a focus on community outreach and engagement and/or GV program structure improvement. 

Roles include: 

  • Attend monthly board meetings

  • Participate on board committees

  • Attend monthly youth board meetings

  • Participate in E.C.O. Days

  • Attend the ALP retreat

  • Support GV recruitment efforts

  • Volunteer at GV fundraising events.

Board Meeting Times: The Board of Directors meets once a month from 6:30pm-8pm (Required). Youth members of the board will meet once monthly in addition to this meeting at a time agreed upon by the group.



Preference given to returning ALP members and/or Seniors. 

Description: Junior Leaders will guide and co-mentor first-year participants through the Spring, Summer, and/or Local Program in Seattle and on the immersion to Guatemala. 

Junior Leaders will also facilitate conversations at Social Justice and Pre-Immersion Workshops around environmental justice and sustainability, team building, fundraising, social justice, cultural awareness, and reverse culture shock. They will also help organize & participate in program Volunteer Days. 

Roles include: 

  • Participate in team meetings

  • Participate in first-year events (Social Justice Workshops, pre-departure meeting, immersion to Guatemala, volunteer events, post-trip potluck/storytelling party)

  • Attend three trip leader trainings

  • Participate in E.C.O. Days

  • Attend the ALP Retreat 

  • Support GV recruitment efforts

  • Volunteer at GV fundraising events.

Junior Leader Meeting Times: Once every other week (Tuesday or Wednesdays) for 2 hours



Description: Members prepare and facilitate Social Justice Workshops for the Seattle community and first-year participants, as well as facilitate diversity workshops for first-year participants. Aside from facilitating workshops for first-years members, members also continue to learn about specific issues that address social justice and get involved in local efforts. 

Roles include: 

  • Participate in team meetings 

  • Facilitate first-year Social Justice Workshops

  • Participate in E.C.O. Days 

  • Attend the ALP Retreat

  • Support GV recruitment efforts

  • Volunteer at GV fundraising events.

Pro-Justice Meeting Times: Once every other week (Tuesday or Wednesdays) for 2 hours

ALP Wide Events

Every ALP member is expected to participate in the following events:

  • ALP Retreat: Date TBD
  • Information Nights (2): ALP Members attend these evening recruitment events to share their experience with prospective first year participants. Each member will attend at least two of the information nights taking place in September and October. Specific dates and details will be provided at the Retreat. 
  • Enrichment, Consciousness, and Opportunity (E.C.O.) Days: TBD. These events are opportunities to learn about environmental and social justice issues, as well as learn about organizations working in Seattle. These events will also support ALP members' public speaking, facilitation skill development, and networking skills.
  • Phone Banks (2):  September-October. ALP participants call potential first-year applicants to tell them about GV. These phone banks take 3 hours and occur on Sunday evenings. 
  • School Presentations (2): All ALP members are required to assist with recruiting presentations at their schools and one additional school.  
  • Group Field Trips: These are not mandatory events but opportunities for participants to learn more about local activism in Seattle. 
  • Fundraising Events: Support for the auction and additional small scale events for First Year and ALP Program and the Scholarship fund.

Advanced Leadership Program Costs

Below is information regarding estimated program costs for the Advanced Leadership Program. All scholarships estimations are first dependent on organizational funding, and then provided to ALP participants based on family income and household size. GV is committed to making this program attainable, regardless of financial circumstances.

Please contact our program staff to discuss your needs, even if you feel that you may not qualify for scholarship.

Advanced Leadership Program JUNIOR LEADER Costs

There are additional costs associated with Junior Leaders. Since they will be traveling to Guatemala, these fees cover airfare, homestay, food, language classes, and in country travel. Below are the estimated program costs for Junior Leaders. All scholarships estimations are first dependent on organizational funding, and then provided to ALP participants based on family income and household size.

Junior Leaders are required to pay for the Advanced Leadership Program, plus their Junior Leader costs. GV has limited scholarships available for returning travelers. While we will do everything we can to meet the needs of our applicants, we cannot guarantee a specific amount of scholarship.


Please contact our program staff to discuss your needs, even if you feel that you may not qualify for scholarship.
Household Income
Program Cost 
       (all teams)
JL Travel Costs - AdditionalTotal Program Cost for JL
$200,001 and above$1,300$2,650$3,950

Participant Information


Please select the gender you identify with

Like we have names we go by, we also have pronouns others use to refer to us. A gender pronoun is a pronoun that a person chooses for themselves to fit their gender identity. Please select the pronouns you use and want others to use to refer to you.

General Questions

Placement Questions

*Based on enrollment ALP teams are subject to modification, including merging teams

Financial Information 

If you will be applying for financial aid and have your household's financial documents ready for submission, you may upload them below. 

Signature Page

As an ALP Member, I commit to: 

  • Leadership and Integrity with my word and commitments- I will uphold my commitments through the entire year, and understand that first-year families (GV participants and their parents/guardians) and GV staff rely on me to deliver the program effectively and support our community.
  • Recruiting & Creating an Outstanding First Year Program- During September and October, I will work with staff to recruit excellent first-year participants by doing presentations in schools and information nights, making phone calls to interested candidates, performing interviews, providing input in selection, and acceptance calls. This requires me to be in communication with GV staff to get my weekly recruiting assignments and carrying out those assignments over the week.
  • Philanthropy (“Selfless-Paying-It-Forward”)- I will support the ALP Program’s endeavors for raising scholarship funds and commitment to ensure that the first-year groups have as many low-income youth as middle/high-income youth as possible 
  • Fees- I understand that program fees are based on sliding scale just like the first-year program fees. This is to enable youth from all income levels to participate.
  • Communicate-I will be in touch with GV staff at least 24 hours in advance, if I must make up a meeting.  I will communicate and be responsible for “two-way communication” (confirming commitments when requested, RSVP-ing, etc.). No exceptions.
  • Social Justice-I will maintain an active personal commitment to bring about social justice in our local and global community.
  • Actively Reduce Eco-Footprint-I will make concrete commitments to reduce my water and energy use as well as reduce my ecological footprint and consumption.
  • Protect Confidentiality-I will read and sign the CONFIDENTIALITY SECTION.
  • Live the ALP Code of Ethics

Parent Permission and Recommendations:
Parents/Guardians: I recommend my child for the Global Visionaries Advanced Leadership Program. 

I also understand that I will be receiving a call from a GV staff member to confirm that I am aware of my child's application and interest in participating in the Advanced Leadership Program.