Academy Group Accelerated High School Program Application (Open for Current 11th Grade Students in Boston and Los Angeles) / Solicitud del Programa Accelerada de Escuela Secundaria de Academy Group (Abierta para estudiantes actualmente en 11 grado en Boston y Los Angeles)

Form Information
Connector set to enabled but is overriden by the Enable for Connector field. All responses are collected simply as Form Assembly responses (default Enable for Connector is No). Then students are evaluated (based on spreadsheet of replies and the High School essay that will be collected on the portal).

For those students that are accepted, go into their response and edit it, switching Enable for Connector to Yes and filling in the Current School Id field. Then save and reprocess the response. This will create student, parents, Interests/Passions, Extracurriculars, etc. If you do not fill out the Current School Id then the student will not get a primary affiliation connecting them to a school.

Some questions on the form are only for certain ages and are displayed using conditional logic based on the Grade During School Year question.

For parents with more than one kid, give them instructions to use the form a second time. No special processing.

Welcome to the Academy Group program application! Please complete each section of this application. Please note that at the conclusion of this application, the student will be asked to complete a written essay response. You may begin complete the essay at a later date, but once you begin the essay, you will have 40 minutes to complete. Your application will not be complete until the essay is submitted. Please send an email to with any questions or concerns. 

Applications to the Boston Program are due April 8th. 
Applications to the Los Angeles Program are due May 15th.

¡Bienvenido a la aplicación del programa Academy Group! Complete cada sección de esta solicitud. Tenga en cuenta que al finalizar esta solicitud, se le pedirá al estudiante que complete una respuesta de ensayo por escrito.  Puede empezar el ensayo en otro momento, pero una vez que comience la respuesta del ensayo, tendrá 40 minutos para completarla. Su solicitud no estará completa hasta que envíe el ensayo. Envíe un correo electrónico a con cualquier pregunta o inquietud

Las solicitudes para el Programa de Boston vencen el 8 de abril.
Las solicitudes para el Programa de Los Ángeles vencen el 15 de mayo.
Student Information / Información del estudiante

Student Academic Data

Family Information

Parent/Guardian 1

If unemployed, write "unemployed"/Si está desempleada escriba "desempleada"

If unemployed, write "unemployed"/Si está desempleada escribe desempleada

Parent/Guardian 2

If unemployed, write "unemployed"/Si está desempleada escriba "desempleada"

If unemployed, write "unemployed"/Si está desempleada escribe desempleada