Photo/Video Release
I release any claims on photos or videos taken of my child/ward while participating at any Marin Ballet event, performance, class, etc., and agree that Marin Ballet has permission to use these photos for its own promotional purposes.
Marin Ballet: Refund Policy
I have read and acknowledge Marin Ballet’s withdrawal, refund, and payment policies. I understand that I will be responsible for any balance owed to Marin Ballet if my child withdraws from the program at any time during the year. I also understand that I must inform the Registrar of my intent to withdraw my child. I understand I will be responsible for any assessed late fees in the event that my student’s quarterly tuition payment is not received by the due date listed in the registration paperwork.
Marin Ballet Medical Authorization
I hereby give Marin Ballet or its designated representative permission to obtain emergency medical attention, short of major surgery for my child/ward.
Marin Ballet COVID-19 Policy
Marin Ballet complies with the recommended preventive and containment policy for Covid-19. Parents are required to keep students exhibiting respiratory illness at home. Students testing positive for Covid-19 are required to stay home from ballet class until a negative test is received. Students exposed to Covid-19, but testing negative, may return to class wearing a mask until 5 days have passed, at which time a mask is no longer required. Parents recognize that Covid-19 is highly contagious and may be transmitted at ballet class. Parents agree to hold Marin Ballet harmless for any risk of their student’s infection at Marin Ballet.
Marin Ballet Injury Waiver
I understand that dancing is a strenuous exercise and that there is risk of injury in the execution of dance. My child/ward is in good and normal physical condition, and I will notify Marin Ballet about changes in her/his fitness. I will not hold Marin Ballet responsible for any injuries resulting from dance training.
I also understand that dance instruction involves kinetic corrections that may include physically touching the student as part of regular class work and rehearsals.