The Scholars Programme: Parent/Carer Consent and Data Collection Form - Summer 23-24

Your child has been selected to take part in The Scholars Programme, an academic programme run by The Brilliant Club. The Scholars Programme aims to give children an experience of university learning to help them make an informed decision about their future. Although university may not be for everyone, your child’s teachers have identified them as having the potential to make a successful application to one of the UK’s most competitive universities in the future.

To give permission for your child to participate in The Scholars Programme, please complete all parts of the form below. The permissions you give us also allow us to evaluate and improve our work for pupils across the UK in the future.

For more information on how The Brilliant Club processes the data it collects, please visit:

Schools share certain personal data with us regarding your child (gender, home postcode, parental history of higher education, eligibility status for Pupil Premium/free school meals) for the purposes of Programme delivery, monitoring and evaluation. Schools may also share health data regarding food allergies/dietary requirements to ensure that children are kept safe and religious data to organise provision of adequate facilities for religious observation at events. Please refer to your school’s privacy policy for more information.

Pupil Details

We collect the following personal data about your child in order for us to administer The Scholars Programme. We will hold it on our internal systems, use it to liaise with your child’s teacher and Scholars Programme tutor, and use it to create and manage their account on the on the Student Hub (our online learning platform). This data is collected on the legal basis of legitimate interests.

Parent / Carer Details

We gather these details so that we can keep you up to date with The Scholars Programme while your child is taking part. We do this based on your express consent. We will not retain this information beyond the end of your child's participation in The Scholars Programme unless you have subscribed to our newsletter below.

You can opt out at any time by emailing

Parent / Carer Newsletter

If you would like to receive our monthly parent/carer newsletter, which provides updates and signposts opportunities and resources for exploring higher education beyond The Scholars Programme, please tick this box. You can opt out at any time by emailing

Other Programmes

If you would like to occasionally be contacted by The Brilliant Club with information about other programmes that we deliver and that we think may be relevant to you or your child, please tick this box:
Parental Education

The following question asks about parental levels of education from the point of view of the child who will be participating in The Scholars Programme. (This includes natural parents, adoptive parents, stepparents or guardians who have brought up the child).

Pupil Ethnicity Data

The questions below relate to consent for processing and sharing your child’s ethnicity data, which is a special category of data. Consenting to The Brilliant Club processing this data means we will request your child’s ethnicity data from their school and hold it on our internal systems. It will enable us to evaluate whether our programme has the same impact on pupils of different ethnicities, and to make changes where this is not the case.


You are under no obligation to provide this information and your child can still participate in The Scholar's Programme if you chose not to. By doing so however, you will be helping us to ensure that our programmes are accessible to all pupils, regardless of background, in the future.

Consenting to The Brilliant Club sharing the data will mean we may share it with the partner organisations listed below for evaluation purposes. You can revoke the consent you give us below at any time by emailing

The partner organisations we may share pupil ethnicity data with are: university partners, charities and research grant funding bodies that support The Brilliant Club, Higher Education Funding Councils, UniConnect Partners, Department for Education (DfE), Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), Office for Students (OfS), the National Data Service (SFA), and the Higher Education Access Tracker (HEAT). You can find out more about how HEAT will use your child’s data here.

Pupil Images, Videos and Sound Recordings

The questions below relate to consent for holding and using images, videos or sound recordings of your child. The Brilliant Club likes to celebrate the achievements of pupils and we ask for permission for ourselves, as well as our university partners and funders, to use images and sound recordings of pupils for promotional materials. Your child can still participate in The Scholars Programme even if you do not consent to their images, sound recordings or video recordings being used. You can revoke the consent you give us below at any time by emailing

Please tick each corresponding box below if you consent to:

Pupil Quotes
Occasionally, we use quotes or extracts from pupils' work in our promotional materials. This could be to schools and parents showing feedback from previous Scholars or to University Partners and funders to demonstrate the impact of our programmes. They could also be used in external materials such as social media, email marketing campaigns and our Annual impact Report or Financial Statements which are available publicly.

Your child can still participate in The Scholars Programme even if you do not consent to their quotes being used. You can revoke the consent you give to us below at any time by emailing

Please select your consent relating to The Brilliant Club's usage of your child's quotes and work extracts for promotional materials (as outlined above):

The Brilliant Club, 17th Floor, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, SW1P 4QP 


  Company Number:  7986971 

  Charity No 1147771 (England & Wales) SC048774 (Scotland)